Need to get myself to throw up! Please help?!

Question: Need to get myself to throw up! Please help?
I am sick, and there is some food or something in my stomach that really wants to come up, but wont. How can I throw up? I have tried the finger thing. I touched my tonsils for like 10 seconds straight- didn't work. I tried touching my tounge as low as it went- didn't work. And I tried drinking lots of water- (I chugged a full bottle) didn't work. Yes, I do have gag reflex- and I am 100% sure of that. Is there anything else I can try W/O hurting myself? I am not going to go get medicine to make me throw up, nor will I see the doctor. Please help! For those of you that think I am doing this for bad reasons, or have negative feedback, please keep it to yourself.



Stick your index or a finger down your thoart

Try mustard and wine. If it was good enough for Kronos, it's good enough for you.

A spoonful of ice-cream with mustard on it.

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