Do Baths Really Not Get You That Clean?!

Question: Do Baths Really Not Get You That Clean?
Everyone always says "Baths aren't clean, you sit in your own filth" (I'd like to know exactly how filthy you are!) Do they really not get you clean? I'd think you get clean, you sit in hot soapy water that is killing germs. How is that not getting clean?


The water that comes off you in both a bath and a shower is considered "grey-water", because it contains some amount of dirt and bacteria, including e. coli. This is the result of our orifices, particularly our anus, being surrounded with filth. We can't help it!

The Japanese, who have traditionally used just one tub for all the family members, in turn, take a shower first (they pour water over themselves and scrub up).

Your friendly local swimming pool would vastly prefer you to shower before you dive in.

Your dishes sit in hot soapy water, but until they are rinsed and dried, they are not clean.

So take a shower! Soaking in the bath is lovely for sore muscles, though.

Of course you are sitting in your own filth. Water has to be pretty hot to completely kill germs. And not only that but the water isn't going anywhere when you sit in a bath tub, you're just throwing the germy water back on yourself. What I always did was take a bath and then take a shower, or vice versa. That way you're getting clean.

Soap does not kill germs. It only loosens the dirt and oil and then some of the germs get rinsed off. The germs are all still alive and swimming in the bathwater.

The cleanest way to take a bath is:

1. Fill the bathtub.

2. In a separate shower use soap and shampoo.

3. After rinsing off, go soak in the tub.

4. After you've soaked enough, use the shower to rinse off.

Yeah I mean the water is hot so it would kill the germs and If your that dirty go take a shower

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