sleeping all day when you're sick?!

Question: Sleeping all day when you're sick?
I have a bad cold and I've been sleeping for like 9 hours of inconstant naps.
Is this bad for you?


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Not at all. Your body needs more rest when you're sick.

In fact it's normal for your body to want to sleep while you're sick.

This is because your body actually heals it self while you're sleeping.

The reason you sleep so long is because your body heals itself during Stage 4 Sleep.
So the longer you sleep, the more times your body can cycle through Stage 4.

Thus having more time to replenish it self...
allowing you to get all better :)

Nursing Major in College.

No, this isn't bad for you at all. Your body needs to rest physically so that, internally, it can put all of its efforts into healing whatever you have. Be sure to drink a ton of liquids (water, juice, tea, etc.) as well because it's extremely easy to get dehydrated when you're sick.

Hope you feel better soon!

Your body is obviously telling you something. Sleeping helps cells regenerate and will help you get better faster.
When I am sick I always hear, "Drink lots of water and get plenty of rest"
It's true! Also chicken soup really is good for you when you are sick. It is filled with healthy veggies and herbs that have been slowly cooked like a tea that has been steeping for a long time.
I am just getting over a cold. It didn't hit me too hard though because I took echinacea before and while I had it.
I hope you feel better!

Sleep is excellent for you when you are ill as long as you do NOT have small children you must care for. IF you have obligations get help.

Nope it's good! Keep sleeping you should feel better but don't forget to eat and drink every now and then. You don't want to dehydrate!

Nope if anything it's good it helps you get normal remember to eat and drink fluids

Sleeping is really good when you're sick

No your sick ! Your supposed to sleep

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