I am failing in college, and essentially life and don't know what to do.?!

Question: I am failing in college, and essentially life and don't know what to do.?
All through high school I slid by doing as little work as possible and got out with a 2.6. Although I knew education was important and I desired a higher level of it I could just not make myself care. I slept through all my classes, never turned in homework, and ended up getting alright grades in classes because of my test scores. When time for college came around I shipped off to NY (I am from WA) to play lacrosse, which is one of the few things I can make myself care about, and get an education. However I found college no different. My first semester went the same as high school, with the same GPA. My next semester, my care level dropped even more. I didn't enjoy anything other than going out and partying. Skipping class became the norm. and I soon found myself ineligible for lacrosse. Once my parents saw my report card I got pulled from school in NY and am now living at home going to community college. I was diagnosed with ADD in high school, but even on my meds I can hardly sit through a full class (I often leave early) and I do not enjoy school much at all. I do want an education and the doors that a degree will open for me as far as careers go, but I cannot motivate myself at all. Quite frankly I just don't care about anything. I feel like I have no direction in life and don't know what to do. I know that my failure is my own fault by not applying myself and whatnot, but I cannot make myself enjoy anything or care. I have wrecked numerous full rides for myself by messing up in school and it doesn't even seem to phase me. Sometimes I have suicidal thoughts and what seems like bouts of depression, although it comes in phases and I don't think I have depression. I'm not looking for things like "oh you ask us why your doing bad, your such an idiot, its because you don't go to class" like I have seen in other posts. I know WHY I am not succeeding. I guess I am just wondering if anyone else went through the same kind of ordeal and found a way out of it. Some kind of happiness or motivation in their life, because I have none. I need some kind of motivation to get me going and actually care about my life and my future, because right now I have none and could honestly care less about anything.


I flunked out of college last year and I had a very similar high school experience. Never really applied myself or tried more than it took to keep from getting grounded. And then this year i started at CC, was diagnosed with ADD and found that almost all my problems at school, and my being a complete introvert, were related to that, i didn't even know how disorganized my mind was until suddenly it wasn't and i could concentrate and i cared about what my professors were saying... I've still missed classes, and have to work hard to keep up with the notes,not just taking them but looking at them outside of class but life doesn't seem pointless anymore.

It seems like maybe you have a fear of failure which was one of my problems,I would only try at things i knew i was really good at, like you in lacrosse but if i wasn't confident in what i was supposed to do i wouldn't really tried because if i didn't try and failed it was whatever, but if i really tried hard and still failed it'd be like i was kind of worthless. But getting bad grades is what helps you learn for the next time and if you take the competitiveness i'm assuming you had in sports and apply it to tests or papers, it might motivate you to do well...just by competing against your past scores or the class average...

I know you said that the medicine didn't really help and i understand, i had to play around with my dosage before it started working to the point that i could sit through a 2 hour math class, and pay attention... maybe talk to your physician and see if you could try something else or work on dosage, because ADD is not easy to treat without some trial and error, i'm sure they'd be willing to work with you.

But regardless of whether you take meds or not, finding something that intrigues you is vital... I know it sounds silly but we had to take career tests periodically in high school maybe if you take a free one online it could give you some suggestions you hadn't really thought of?

I hope this helps at least a little it sounds like you really don't want to be the only person to have had this issue and you aren't... same with the suicidal thoughts, but you really should talk with someone close to you about how you are feeling, and if you are talking and they aren't listening then maybe see a councilor (i know there is a huge stigma against them but they can be very helpful. The trick is finding one you're comfortable with.)

I would not recommend taking time off though, chances are when you returned you'd just feel more trapped and feel as though you were behind, if traveling is something you are passionate about maybe take a semester abroad once you get on track academically...

finally you seem to be intelligent, based on how well you write so i don't think you should have any problem once you get your head in the game so to speak.

I can elaborate on anything you need clarification on,feel free to ask.

See what you like doing and try to make a job out of it. Like if you enjoy driving, look into jobs that involve driving.

you need to find your passion and follow that instead. you just don't like school and its routineness.


Here's a thought: maybe you shouldn't have slid by in high school, youve taught yourself horrible life skills and what you need to do is get over your apathy and start looking for a future because right now, yours isn't very bright.

Have you ever considered taking a break from school long enough to find out what makes you the person that you are? You are a special and wonderfully unique person! Believe in yourself because you are worth it no matter what you are doing! There is no one in this whole world that is exactly like you! Become the person that you always knew you could be! Be confident! Be proud and keep a positive attitude in all that you do! Before you know it you will know exactly who and what you want to be. Go for it! The whole world is out there!

The definition of depression is losing interest in almost ALL activities. If you say you couldn't care less and just live in a blur with your desicions, it seems you may be mentally ill. Suicidal thoughts are serious and should definately be addressed. Not all careers spring from schooling so don't panic. Working your way up from a small job and building your resume is the best way to acheive things. Cheer yourself up by playing some sports and get amongst happy full-of-life people to boost your joy. Have a break for a while, ask your parents for some money to take a trip away and clear your mind. Best of luck and try to be optimistic. Life is great, so many things to see and do, Stuff work!!! Be a fly by the seat of your pants gal (ref- pretty woman film) and don't take life so seriously
:) :) cheers

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