Pain following band ligation for hemorrhoids?!


Pain following band ligation for hemorrhoids?

I have stage 2 - 3 hemorrhoids. I went to my doc on Friday and we'd discussed having the staple procedure. After the exam, the doc suggested we try band ligation. I reluctantly agreed.

As soon as the band went on I thought something might be wrong - it felt tight, and I thought I'd need to have a BM. I was told this was normal, was given a very limited list of instructions, and was sent on my way. As the weekend wore on the pain started to worsen, culminating in a phone call to the doc's answering service at 6am on Sunday morning. I was able to meet one of his associates at the hospital who removed the band (one of the most painful experiences in my life). I was told I should expect relief immediately. It's been almost 24 hours and I'm still in significant pain.

I've been taking sitz baths, tylenol, stool softners, and haven't worked out in 3 days. Anything else I should/could be doing? I'm not terribly impressed with the aftercare suggestions from my doc... Thanks!


I would definitely recommend making an appointment with another physician in order to resolve the problem. As a form of prophylaxis I would highly recommend "colase" as the stool softener of choice. Hemorrhoids are very painful and I feel for you....keep the area clean and the sitz baths do help (can even add some salt to the water). Mitigating the pain however will likely require a prescription narcotic. It also depends whether they are exposed (thrombus) or internal.....but don't worry even though it feels like you will wont. I hope you find some relief and a physician that provides quality care.

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