What Do you think of alternative medicine?!


What Do you think of alternative medicine?

Eastern medicine- do you think it's quack or effective? Why?
I'm just curious.
(eastern medicine- acupuncture/pressure, herbs, TCM, qi gong... etc)


Effective! Things in nature are there and available for a reason!!! I have been dealing with health problems my entire life....chronic constipation (even though have a clean, natural diet that's high in fiber for the most part), severe back pain and tension headaches, severe depression and anxiety, acne-prone skin, painful heartburn/acid reflux, mood swings, etc. I have gone to countless doctors, had countless procedures done, and have been told over and over that there's nothing wrong, here's this prescription, have a nice day! Prescription drugs lessened the heartburn but made me sooo constipated and depressed. I finally decided one day to seek out alternative routes. I started by doing colon cleansing and had amazine results. No more heartburn, sking cleared up and is beautiful, depression went away...has given me a great outlook on life. Prescriptions will eventually suppress your liver's ability to function and your systems will eventually get backed up and become acidic. You're not curing the problem, you're only covering up the symptoms. I now get colonics, take traditional Chinese medicine (which actually has scientificly-tested studies, not just testimonials) for pain and to help fight off Candida (yeast), do oral chelation for heavy metal detox, do a lemon juice and maple syrup fast a few times a month for just a day or two, go to the chiroprator and get energy healings, practice Yoga, and follow many Ayervedic (Indian medicine) practices as well....cold showers, hydrogen peroxide therapy...as well as good 'ole Western folk medicine such as Apple Cider Vinegar and blackstrap molasses remedies.

Doctors will tell you it's quackery because it hurts their business. The FDA and Big Pharma will definitely tell you it's quackery and dangerous because they can't patent something natural nor make any money off of it. If it's not mainstream or FDA approved, that doesn't mean it doesn't work. It simply means it's natural, probably just as effective if not moreso, and poses a huge financial threat to their industries. There are many natural ways to fight cancer, for example, but they will never be tested by the FDA because the Pharmacies make trillions of dollars from chemotherapy and radiation alone. If we find a natural cure for AIDS (remedies already exist). then the pharmacies lose out on billions of dollars from drugs being given to the patients. Do you see where this is headed? The FDA says that only a drug can cure or prevent a disease and that natural cures can be dangerous....if this is so then why do more people in this country now die from prescription drugs and medical malpractice than heart disease???

Visit www.earthclinic.com and read up on lot of different alternative/natural medicines and cures. Hope that helps!

And yes, I've been called an idiot, stupid, ridiculous...etc. You name it! But I am the one who feels great because of natural medicine while everyone else keeps catching colds, getting the flu, getting cancer. etc. And you must find what's right for you...obviously our body types are different and we react to things diffrently. Good luck!

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