Constantly Bloated. Stomach discomfort. Mostly During Morning or After Meal. Fee!


Constantly Bloated. Stomach discomfort. Mostly During Morning or After Meal. Feeling Depressed.?

I've gained a lot of weight and now I'm obese (5' tall at 170lbs). I was almost 180, but then I started starving myself and plateaued at 165 for a while. I went to see the doctor but they couldn't find anything wrong with me. I tried eating even healthier (I mostly eat salad, fruits, and lean meat) and I didn't get anywhere (weight wise), but I was starting to feel better. Recently, I've been feeling constantly bloated, mostly during the morning and after meal. My stomach is like a balloon now, whereas it used to be flabby and soft (bad, but better than a balloon). I know I am not pregnant because I just got off my period a day or two ago. I've been having a lot of mood swing, too. I'd resort to eating when I feel crappy. I used to do that when I was a kid and I was fine; I guess it's sort of a habit. I used to binge on whatever, but now I tried to binge on healthier food (salad or fruits) knowing that I have a hard time controlling my weight. [more]

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3 days ago
I wouldn't be able to eat much because of the bloatedness, then I'd get really depressed and start stuffing myself even when I can't eat anymore. I'd make myself feel even more crappy, then I'd feel guilty for binging. I'd want to purge, but I am cursed with an insensitive gag reflex. I don't want to go see the doctor anymore. I think it's just a waste of money. They always tell me that I'm normal, but I'd always experience some kinds of symptoms here and there when I get home. I'm taking Pepto Bismol to help ease the stomach discomfort, but it doesn't seem to really help. As for my depression (I am clinically depressed, but I've stopped taking Prozac and Lexapro because I no longer have insurance and I simply don't want to care anymore)...

What can I do to get rid of the bloatedness and stomach discomfort?


Bloated it depends. Are you bloated with air/gas or is it water retention? If its gas/air Enteric Coated Peppermint capsules are great. You can buy them in the health food store. If its water retention you will be able to tell by whether or not your fingers swell or your socks leave marks in your ankles etc. Is it just your stomach that is bloated or is it that you are feeling a bit bloated all over?

I've had bloating and stomach issues, fatigue etc. for the past 6 years and all my bloodwork from yearly physicals always came back normal. It wasn't until one day when I ate Chinese food on an empty stomach and I got really irritable and bloated about 45 minutes later that I realized that was what I felt like much of the time. When I looked online I found that MSG found as an additive in Chinese food is in almost all processed foods we eat (as Glutamate under other names like "Soy Protein Isolate, Barley Malt, Carageenan, Maltodextrin, Spices, natural Flavors (many times) etc.

Do you ever feel weird after eating? You can see the symptoms here if you scroll down. I found this website when trying to figure out what was going on with me. I bought her cookbook and found it a little helpful, but at the same time many things they could get where they live I could not get without Glutamate in it here in NJ. Its in most processed foods we eat and I often wonder if it isn't the cause of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue and many with IBS. I was diagnosed with IBS and no longer have it since avoiding those foods. It is also claimed that it is what is in foods that cause people to crave them and binge on them and it is known to cause obesity in lab rats. I don't necessarily feel that it is that bad for people, but since it is in everything these days I think we are simply getting too much for our bodies sensitivity threshold.Anyway it may be a Glutamate sensitivity.

Obviously it could be plenty of other things. Could also benefit you to add Yogurt to your diet. Perhaps your intestinal flora are out of whack? Have you gone to a Gastroenetrologist? Also it may help you to look into books about eating for Depression. There are foods that you can use to naturally raise Seratonin and Dopamine levels (I would recommend if it is more a feeling of blahs than full time depression ).
Best Wishes. Hope you find some relief.

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