Lil girl bumbed her head?!


Lil girl bumbed her head?

My daughter, 1 1/2 yr old, was standing by the doorway and someone came through & when the door opened it hit her in the head .she now has a bump. What can I do for her and should I not let her fall asleep?

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4 days ago
I love her so much and it tears me up to see her with a lump on her head. The person who did it feels bad too but I assured them I understand it was an accident. Ish Happens.Thanks again!


Honestly, that's a myth about not falling asleep- in fact, the doctor told me my son was obviously not traumatized by his injury and he would heal in his sleep. The ER charged us to confirm what he told us for free. She'll be fine.

I understand, it hurts when your child is in pain. But, really, she'll be just fine.

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