How dangerous is mercury? When I was young I had a bottle with mercury in it. !


How dangerous is mercury? When I was young I had a bottle with mercury in it. I was fascinated by the?

way it felt. It was a solid/liquid. That was a long time ago. Now I know it can be dangerous. Could that be related to my poor health today? Why is it considered dangerous? Is it dangerous if you played with it or only if you drank it?

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4 days ago
I am 60. I don't think mercury is still used in thermometers, so you may not have been in contact with it, unless it was an older thermometer.


Now a days its very dangerous. I remember my mom telling me storys about when she was in school they would let the students play with mercury because it was part of the program. Now in school if a mercury thermometer is dropped its a huge deal. It could affect you but chances are probally not. Dont worry about it and let if slide by.

In schools they still use mercury thermometers, unless they had the funding to replace them. at my school we still had them. I wouldnt worry too much about it. Unless you have cancer. That is one of the most common side effects a person can get but that would be by massive amounts.

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