Sleeping pills or frink you decide... DR FRANK I WANT UR ANSER!!!!?!


Sleeping pills or frink you decide... DR FRANK I WANT UR ANSER!!!!?

hello people ok you decide its either drinking a bottle of wine or vodka every night or taking 30 to 50mg of stilnotct (zoldium tartrate) each night long term i have insomnia tried everything else what in the long term would be healthier?( i know each of them isnt the most healthies BUT... which is the best the drungs or the drink you decide

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1 week ago
sorry i just realize its drink NOT frink


Of the 2 alcohol would be the most harmful as you might guess, at those levels it would be both liver and cardiotoxic. Drugs like zopiclone have little damaging effects on the body. However they have a number of significant psychological effects. The most obvious of these is that they are very addictive, taking as little as 3 nights to produce habituation. Overall, if taken chronically they add no more than an average of 30 minutes to the time slept, but make themselves rapidly indispensable so that less sleep occurs without them, making the original reason for taking them quite pointless.

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