Really Low Confidence.?!


Really Low Confidence.?

I have really low confidence, and it's affecting everything I do. I'm 18 years old, I'm quite smart but decided to leave school because of my confidence problem. I've had 4 jobs in the last 2 years but I've quit all of them. I have noticed a problem with my speech too, I don't speak fast or slow, or stutter, I just can't get my words out proply. After reading some stuff from google, I think I have social anxiety... but I'm not sure. I sweat every time im in company with other people and get really nervous. There are a few expections like my girlfriend, I'm fine around her.
Whenever I get money I spend it on alcohol, this seems to solve the problem, I can speak better whilst drunk than sober. I'm really depressed at the moment, I want to do something with my life, but this problem is stopping me. I really want to go in the British army to do IT & Communications, but I'm worried how I'd cope with people around me all the time. *sm days i feel lik i cn do anythin, an othr days i feel crap

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1 week ago
Had to type like a tard at the end as I run out of letters :o.


cut the boose, get a hobby...

and this is a joke to cheer you up: have EGO waffles!

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