Hair pulling nervous habit ?!?!?!


Hair pulling nervous habit ?!?!?

Hello, I'm 15. I am being treated for ADHD and GAD. However I have one nervous habit that I can't stop. I twirl and pull out the hair on the back of my head. I can't put my hair up because my habit has led to an embarrassing bald spot. I hate this habit, but I can't control it. If anyone has had a similar habit to this, i would be so grateful to learn how you overcame them. I need to learn techniques that I can use in public though, so things like playing with clay or puzzles won't be able to help. I would also like to know if my habit is consistent with OCD. Thank you!


I am 18, also being treated for ADHD with Concerta. I also was diagnosed with trichotillomania, or compulsive hair pulling, and yes, I was told my my psychiatrist it is a form of OCD. I also used to have bald spots on the top and crown of my head from pulling it out.

I still get the urge to pull, but I've come up with several solutions. To combat the need to pull, my mom used to put this cooling gel on my scalp at night because right before I pulled it out I would get this "tight" and painful feeling where I felt the hair needed to go, and this gel really helped make that feeling subside. I'm sorry, I wish I could remember the name for it! I know it was turquoise and had an orange top and looked a bit like an Elmer's glue bottle.

I also find that I need to pull when I haven't washed my hair in a while, and since I used to pull at bedtime, I started to shower at night.

As for in public, when I was in fourth grade when it started, I carried this little stress ball and would squeeze it. Soon, I left the stress ball and picked up cracking my knuckles. Not exactly another pleasant habit, but studies haven't shown that this is harmful in any way. Also, whenever I get the urge to pull in public (especially at school, since stress triggers my episodes) I simply scratch at my scalp with a pencil. It's not that obtrusive, and simply looks like you're thinking. And if people ask, just say you have a dry scalp! :)

I also find that styling my hair certain ways, like pulled back in a ponytail, wearing a headband or a hat, and ESPECIALLY done up with a lot of sprays or gels makes me more likely to pull. And if you're the opposite way, e.g. having your hair loose makes you more likely to pull, then try braiding your hair or wearing it in a ponytail.

Please email me and let me know how things are working out!!!

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