Does anyone have a good remedy for insomnia?!


Does anyone have a good remedy for insomnia?

My doctor put me on ambien. It works well but makes me very spacey the next day.


Try Ambien CR. I am less spacey with that.

Or, you may want to try Lunesta. I have ok results with that, too.

You may want to try a natural herb or vitamin supplement (several are available) talk to your local pharmacist and see what they recommend and let them know what other drugs you take to avoid interactions.

Also, talk to your doctor and/or PA and tell them what problems you are having.

I would also take a hard look at what is at the root of your insomnia. Is it your eating late? Drinking too much caffeine during the day or evening?

Stress? Stress is a notorious sleep depraver. What's going on in your life right now that keeps your wheels turning late-night? Try exercising at the gym. Even a nice, long walk in the evening can have dramatic benefits.

Read before you go to bed and try a warm glass of milk. L-tryptophane (sp?) occurs naturally in milk and turkey (hence everyone passing out after T-Day dinner) and is a great sleep inducer.

Do a thorough evaulation of the things going in and out of your body...and in and out of your mind...and see if you can identify and make positive changes that effect your sleep patterns.

You will eventually find what the problem is and will begin to sleep better at night. If you are relying on power naps, take care that you don't overdose on napping and further throw sleep patterns out of whack.

Jeez, maybe I have a career opening a sleep clinic. Whomever suggested maturbation...not a bad idea, it does relax the body and makes you sleepy, too. It may help you, too, but not on a regular basis because we all know it leads to blindness...:)

Wishing you a good night's sleep...


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