Anesthesia drugs?!


Anesthesia drugs?

I just had surgery on my knee on Thursday morning. I'm 15 years old and was in a children's hospital. When the anesthesiologist was putting me out, he gave 2 drugs. The first he said would make me cough, and it did. The 2nd he said would make me sleepy and then I was out. I was wondering what the first drug was and what it's purpose is? My mom's a nurse and I asked her and she had no idea what I was talking about. Someone help?


There's lots of different drugs that we give for surgery, and it all depends on whoever is the anesthesiologist doing your case and his/her preferences. I can guarantee you more than 2 were given, but you only remeber the first two.
Likely, one of the first was midazolam (versed) a drug to relax - many people don't remember much after this. We also give induction drugs (to put you to sleep), analgesics (for pain), muscle relaxants (to prevent movement), inhalational agents (to keep you asleep), anti - nausea medicine and other such drugs. There are many different types of all these different drugs.
Again, depending on who did your anesthesia, it could have been any one of 10 - 15 different drugs.

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