Bladder incontinence?????? Have you ever wet your bed before? As an adult or tee!


Bladder incontinence?????? Have you ever wet your bed before? As an adult or teenager?

Want to know how normal it is too have an "Accident"... Not alcohol induced...

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2 weeks ago
Someone said it is a huge deal if you're awake... What do you mean awake? What happened to me was that I kind of woke up as it was happening... The moisture woke me up. And it has happened twice.. Twice within three months of each other, four months since my last accident. I'm starting to become less worried, reading a lot of the comments i'm getting. :) Everyone says I should tell my parents... But I don't see why now... As it was FOUR months ago since the last time! I have decided, if It happens again, that I must have an infection or a bladder weakness of some sort so I will have to tell my parents. Thanks so much for your help everyone that comments :)


Especially at age 13, this is a MUCH more common problem than you would think. Many (if not most) people have to wake up during the night to go to the bathroom at least once in awhile, and if you're too tired or sound asleep to wake up when you need to go, you can have an accident while you're still asleep. If it's happened only twice in 4 months (or whatever) then it's probably nothing to worry about at all -- at your age your body is growing and changing so fast that "accidents" like this may simply be a normal part of your development as your kidneys, bladder, etc. are growing and adjusting to everything else that's happening in your body. If it started happening EVERY night, or several nights a week, then it might be worth going to the doctor to make sure you don't have an infection or something more serious going on. Otherwise, you're probably totally normal -- many of your classmates have probably had one or two "accidents" like this too -- but do you think they're any more eager to tell you about it than you are to tell them? :)

Also -- don't worry about the fact that you woke up as it was happening -- that's also totally normal, it means that your body was in the process of waking up in response to feeling the need to go, and you just didn't wake up quite quickly enough! By the time you finally did wake up, your bladder was just too full to hold it anymore and so you had an accident, but your body was at least trying to wake you up in time. That's actually a better sign than if you were sleeping completely through the accident, because that would mean your body wasn't even aware that your bladder was getting too full.

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