Are there any free online counseling websites?!


Are there any free online counseling websites?

I am in a bit of a predicament, I am in England staying with my mother for the summer because I got into a bit of trouble. However, I have a lot of issues with my family and other relationships but my mother said that she won't pay for counseling. I also have limited transportation. I am going nuts. I need someone to talk to, but I don't have anyone. My family isn't interested in me and just thinks I am bad or sick or something. So, does anyone know if there is a way to get some form (however limited) of counseling via the web for free?


yep, there sure is :)

go to

then click on the following links:
- Get Help
- Get Counselling
- Web Counselling
- Connect to Counsellor Online

Go through all the terms and conditions stuff and then they'll connect you. Sometimes you have to wait for up to an hour but it's worth it.

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