My back not straight can it be fixed.?!


My back not straight can it be fixed.?

I went to the doctor and he said my shoulder blades were not even and my backbone was off a little bit to the right.
-can any type of exercise help this or medicine, its mostly real bad stiffness and spasms.


An irregular curvature of the spine that causes the back-bone to bend a little to the left or to the right is called scoliosis.

Often, the cause of scoliosis is unknown (idopathic).

Treatment of scoliosis isn't usually necessary, unless it's severe (the curve has to be beyond a certain degree). Surgery is an option if you have severe scoliosis, Otherwise, if you're still in your formative years (your bones are still growing) an orthopedist may recommend a brace.

I recommend sleeping flat on your back -- it won't necessarily correct the curvature of the spine, but, depending upon the cause, it can prevent further curving. Sleeping flat on the back also allows the muscles an opportunity to relax.

If you're having muscle spasms, you may need some sort of medication such as skelaxin or flexeril (muscle relaxers). You could also potentially benefit from massage or physical therapy.

Learning the proper stretches for those hard-to reach muscles in the back, and how to do them in a manner that is safe for people with scoliosis could prove to be your best weapon against those spasms.

A good place to start is with the snake stretch (laying flat on the stomach and pushing up with the arms, while keeping the hips on the floor/mat). Some sitting exercises and reaching exercises could also help to alleviate the cramping.

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