In Sexual intercourse I heard that there might be chance that penis can stuck in!


In Sexual intercourse I heard that there might be chance that penis can stuck inside womens vagina.?

is this ture? if so why does it happend? is it a sexual defect? what does this call ? pls give me more information about this.


I think you heard wrong. The vagina is not a black hole- things don't just disappear in there. Anatomically speaking the penis is made purposefully to go in the vagina, so I think what you heard had more fact in the animal kingdom -certain animals have "spiked" penises that actually stay inside the vagina post-coitus for a brief period of time (dogs, cats).

Recently there was an episode of Grey's Anatomy where a couple came in where the man was stuck inside the woman because his penis piercing got stuck on her IUD (intrauterine's a form of birth control). This is highly, highly unlikely and mostly made up to make a good storyline.

I hope that puts you at ease. ;)

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