Is volumes good to take for relaxation i just took one and i dont want to feel s!


Is volumes good to take for relaxation i just took one and i dont want to feel sick????

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2 weeks ago
Sorry i ment to say Valium


Uh... do you mean valium? Never heard of a pill called "volumes". If you're asking about valium, you should ONLY take valium if you have a diagnosed medical condition, such as anxiety, insomnia, pain, or symptoms due to withdrawl from alcohol or opiates. And by diagnosed, I mean that a doctor has diagnosed you with a related condition and prescribed valium as a treatment. Self-diagnosis does not apply in this case.

You probably won't feel sick, but you may feel a tad bit dizzy and/or uncoordinated or drowsy. The reason you should not take valium without a valid medical reason is that valium and other related drugs can be addictive and can, over time, actually cause depression in addition to various other side effects. A certified doctor should determine whether or not you are healthy enough and whether or not your condition warrants the use of valium as a treatment. Self-medication without a doctor's examination and recommendation is reckless and can be life-threatening, particularly if you are thinking about mixing different substances together, increasing your dosage, or continuing to take such substances over a long period of time.

I don't mean to alarm you, of course, since you already took the valium. For the most part, valium is harmless in small doses, for most healthy individuals anyway. However, I don't recommend you try to operate a vehicle or any kind of heavy machinery for a while. And stay away from any other drugs or alcohol until the valium has worked its way through your system. If it is something you are taking because your doctor recommended it, you should probably be asking him/her about the side effects and whether or not it will make you feel sick. Or read the label on the bottle.

In the future, however, you should never take any sort of substance until you have read and understood the warnings, dosage recommendations, and potential side effects. For the time being, just take it easy. Diazepam (valium) generally wears off in a matter of hours. You might not even feel a thing, depending on the dosage you took.

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