PINK eye....?!


PINK eye....?

I have green ooze coming from my eye and my eye is REALLY red and it's hurting. I had an "infection" in my other eye the other day and it went away. Now it's this eye and two days ago my kitten scratched my eye....and I woke up with my eye crusted up this morning.

What is wrong and what should I do?? I really don't want to go to the doctor...

Additional Details

2 weeks ago
I have a prescription medicine for Pink eye that I've been using...


You can't get antibiotics unless you see the doc and sounds like a really good idea right now. Put a warm wash cloth on it and follow with cool for a few minutes each. You can rinse the towels in saltwater if it doesn't sting and try a some eye wash they sell it at any drugstore. If it doesn't get better tomorrow go see the doctor, it's the only pair of eyes you get.

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