Does marijuana prevent my eye infected with viral conjunctivitis from healing?!


Does marijuana prevent my eye infected with viral conjunctivitis from healing?

I was diagnosed with viral conjunctivitis about a week and a half ago, and have thsu been taking steroid drops in my eyes 4 times a day. There was never any irritation or itchiness in the eye, it just persisted to be red. However, my eyes are now pretty much restored and the redness has been ridden of.

If I smoke marijuana, will the pressure in my eyes caused by it prevent my eyes from healing more? Or will it be temporarily and return back to how it was after the high is gone?

Oh, and please no lecturing about drug use, thanks. I've heard it before.


It shouldn't have any affect ...the conjunctivitis is a virus and if the virus has been taken care using the drops... smokin a doobie isn't going to brink it back.

I did three papers in college on marijuana it helps far more things than people want to admit...if only the close minded government would realize it is far less damaging than alcohol and make it legal.

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