Shoe inserts for heel pain?!


Shoe inserts for heel pain?

My heels begin to hurt really bad when I've been standing/walking for a long time. I walk military style(old habit) meaning I roll my feet, heel to toe. So my heels tak a lot of my weight.

What are some good inserts for my boots? No Dr.Scholl's massaging gel please, I used them already, they were a joke to my feet.

Additional Details

3 weeks ago
My boots are not high heels either, they are flat, and I never wear high heels or flip flops.


This sounds a lot like plantar fasciitis. It can be caused by many things; one of the names I've seen for it has something to do with the ways soldiers march. That is probably how you've received your injury since you say this is the way you walk.

Anyway, ice the area a couple of times a day or after activities like running. Put the ice in some water. You only want to have enough to cover the part that is hurting. Wear shoes with good arch support. You also want a shoe with a rocking heel. That keeps you from putting all your weight on your heels---takes the pressure off. Stretch our your achilles heel as well.

The pads can be bought at stores carrying foot products...they are heel lifts. If you can't find one that works for you, then try seeing a podiatrist.

Hope you start feeling better soon!

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