How do you fake sick at the doctor's office?!


How do you fake sick at the doctor's office?

Kinda need answers soon...

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3 weeks ago
And sorry for all you who think I am being silly, stupid, or whatever, but I have to run cross country every day at 6 am, and Wednesday (today) is the hardest day of the week, but my throat was dry, I was exhausted, and I just didn't feel like it. If I would have told that to my dad he would have made me go anyway, so I told him I was sick instead. Now I know I dug myself a hole, but I never thought I would have been sent to the doctor. I would appreciate helpful posts only. Thanks to those who have tried to help though.


You don't. It's that simple.

You don't take up an appointment that could be filled by someone who actually needs it.

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