What are the names of the muscels in your arm?!


What are the names of the muscels in your arm?


2. Upper Arm Muscles

g. biceps brachii (bi, L: "two"; ceps, L: "head") (brachi, L: "upper arm")
- origin on the scapula and humerus; insertion on the radius
- flexes the upper arm at the shoulder joint
- flexes the lower arm at the elbow joint
- rotates the arm as in turning a screwdriver

h. brachialis (brachi, L: "upper arm"; alis, L: "pertaining to")
- origin on the humerus; insertion of the ulna
- flexes the lower arm at the elbow joint

i. triceps brachii (tri, L: "three"; ceps, L: "head"; brachi, L: "upper arm")
- origin on the scapula and humerus; insertion on the ulna
- extends the arm at the elbow joint
- known as the "boxer's muscle" as it allows for a straight jab

Forearm Muscles

j. brachioradialis (brachi, L: "upper arm"; radialis, L: "radius of the arm")
- obtains its name from its origin on the upper arm and its insertion on the radius
- flexes the forearm at the elbow

k. pronator teres (pron, L: "bent forward"; tor, L: "muscle"; teres, L: "round")
- originates from the humerus and ulna; inserts on the radius
- this muscle receives its name due to its action
- turns the forearm so that the palm faces downward (pronation)

l. flexor carpi radialis (flex, L: "to bend"; carpi, G: "wrist"; radialis, L: "radius")
- obtains its name from its action, and its origin and insertion
- originates on the medial portion of the humerus; inserts on the metacarpals
- flexes and abducts the wrist (moves the wrist away from the midline)

m. flexor carpi ulnaris (flex, L: "to bend"; carpi, L: "wrist"; ulnaris, L: "refers to the ulna")
- how did this muscle receive its name?
- originates on the medial portion of the humerus and on the ulna; inserts on the lateral metacarpal
- flexes and adducts the wrist (moves the wrist toward the midline)

n. palmaris longus (palm, L: "palm of the hand"; longus, L: "long")
- named as a result of the part of the body it inserts with and the shape of the muscle
- originates on the medial portion of the humerus; inserts on the connective tissue of the palm
- flexes the wrist and palm

o. flexor digitorum superficialis (flex, L: "to bend"; digit, L: "finger or toe"; superficialis, L: "above")
- named for its action on the fingers and its location in relation to other muscles that flex the fingers
- originates on the humerus; inserts on second digit
- flexes the wrist and specifically the second finger

p. flexor pollicis longus (flex, L: "to bend"; pollic, L: "thumb"; longus, L: "long")
- named for its action on the thumb and that is the longest of the muscles that flex the thumb
- originates on the radius; inserts on the distal bone of the thumb
- flexes the thumb

q. extensor carpi radialis longus (ex, L: "out or beyond"; tens, L: "to stretch"; carpi, G: "wrist"; radialis, L: "radius"; longus, L: "long")
- named for its action, the bone with which it is associated, the part of the body that is affected, and the size of the muscle
- originates on the lateral side of the humerus; inserts on the second metacarpal
- extends and abducts the wrist

r. extensor carpi ulnaris (ex, L: "out or beyond"; tens, L: "to stretch") (carpi, G: "wrist"; ulnaris, L: ulna)
- name describes the action of the muscle, the bone that it is associated with, and the part of the body that is affected when the muscle contracts
- originates on the lateral side of the humerus; inserts on the base of the second metacarpal
- extends and adducts the wrist

s. extensor digitorum (ex, L: "out or beyond"; tens, L: "to stretch"; digit, L: "finger or toe")
- name describes the action and parts of the body affected by that action
- originates on the lateral side of the humerus; inserts on the back of the fingers
- extends the fingers and the wrist

t. supinator (supin, L: "lying on back"; tor, L: "muscle")
- name suggests its function
- originates on the lateral side of the humerus; inserts on the lateral side of the radius
- turns the arm such that the palm faces upward

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