Is there a way to grow taller? any special vitamins in food that help in height !


Is there a way to grow taller? any special vitamins in food that help in height growth?

im a boy that's 16 and im 5'2.
is there any food that have any vitamins that help in height growth that i should eat?

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3 weeks ago
i mean NUTRIENTS. damn some people are so freakin stupid. i dont mean vitamins from tv.

3 weeks ago
i mean NUTRIENTS. damn some people are so freakin stupid. i dont mean vitamins from tv.


I wouldn't worry about it...guys usually shoot up at late 17 or 18 years old...(I'm not a guy but) my mom is only 5'4'' , my dad is 6'4'' and i am 5'11'' tall are your parents? you are probably still far as vitamins, IDK...but you know the reason that basketball players are so tall is because they jump all the time...fact- jumping over a long period of time causes your spine to stretch...and vice-versa...people shrink when they get old b/c they have walked for so many years and that causes your spine to compact and shrink.

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