What are the needs of the elderly?!


What are the needs of the elderly?

Please answer...Thank you very much!!!


I see the needs of the elderly as just the same as anyone else: Basic needs such as adequate food, clothing, shelter. Companionship, something useful and fulfilling to do if they want it. Usually elderly folks need more warmth in the winter time than do younger folks. Many older people speak about a reduced need for sleep; some of them go to bed much earlier, and rise much earlier, some do not. Some older people are night owls until their dying day. It depends upon the person. They may need more medications than they did when they were younger. Sometimes, especially when very elderly, people may need help with Activities of Daily LIving. They may need railings put in their bathrooms or assistance w/ walking, grocery shopping, laundry, house cleaning, meal preparation, toileting, medications, getting to appointments, remembering things, etc. They may need to live in a space that is all on one level, or that has an elevator. They may need a companion who can check to make sure the door is locked or that the stove is turned off or that adequate warm and clean clothing is being worn. They may need adjustments ie, the phone volume and ringer may need to be louder, the numbers on the pad may need to be larger, they may need a better or new hearing aid, there may need to be a light installed so that someone hard of hearing can know when the doorbell is ringing. They may need an arm to hold onto while walking or a companion out in the world if they are frail and trying to do things on their own. They deeply need to feel they are loved and not forgotten. My grandmother needed to continue to paint, to express herself artistically. My grandfather needed someone to listen to his stories (and to occasionally chase the young cute nurses around the bed a time or twelve, it appeared...) He needed to flirt and to "bill and coo". As many elderly are on fixed incomes, they may need financial assistance, ie help w/ filing tax forms, help filling out fuel assistance or food stamp applications, etc, etc. I believe they also may need help w/ paying the bills and in not gettig scammed out of their life savings as statistically, this occurs in the lives of many, many elderly people, some of whom are too ashamed to report what has happened. Financial guardianship or power of attorney for healthcare decisions may be necessary if a person has diminished capacity or has a progressive disease. This should give you something to go on.

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