My family is sick, I don't want to catch it?!


My family is sick, I don't want to catch it?

Ok, my family is sick, And I Do not want to catch it. I think it's just a cold, But I don't want it! What in the world can I do to avoid it? I am taking viatims, And washing my hands, I'm doing my best to stay away from them, but they keep knocking at my door, what can I do?

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3 weeks ago
Oh, Do shut up, jessiekatsopolous!

3 weeks ago
I am a germ freak and PROUD of it!

3 weeks ago
David Blumpy, How about I come over to your house and nail your door shut?!

3 weeks ago
tree oil? What the? I've never heard of that

3 weeks ago
thank you, bin there dun that


Sounds like you are doing everything possible to keep yourself healthy.

Just in case you do catch that cold, try and remember this - as long as you are getting enough rest you will be better able to fight the virus. And, you will build up antibodies that will help your body fight against this cold and other ones in the future.

When colds are going around, I start taking oil of oregano. It helps with various ailments, and is an antiseptic as well. It might burn your lips a little before you get used to it...but I actually like that feeling. And you might smell like oregano too. I don't care about that either, as long as I don't get that cold!

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