This is for males and females. I am very serrious when asking this. I need some !


This is for males and females. I am very serrious when asking this. I need some others opinions?

I have a friend. She use to be very thin. Around 140 pounds. Now she is close to 400 pounds. Her eating habbitts and this disease had made it impossible for her to exersize. Some days she can barely walk. Anyway, because of this weight gain she is unable to wipe her but when she poops. It also tough for her to bath. Her shower broke so she used the bath tub. So she does not bath daily. Maybe once a week. She has this really bad order. The back of her pants have poop spots. She was at my house to visit and sat on my cloth computer chair. When she left, the chair and area smelled so bad. She also left a spot on the chair. I know she is sick, but she smells so bad. Am I not being a good friend by offering to go over and wipe her but and help her bath more often. Even if it was just a sponge bath. She is unable to work now do to her disease. And the disease is not laziness or obesity. She is lucky to be alive. Should i offer to wipe her but and help bath her? serriously

Additional Details

4 weeks ago
First off her disease is not an eating disorder. She was very active and out going, took care of herself, and looked good. Then a disease or illness took over and it is not all over eating. Much of the time she not mobile. After being in bed sick and in the hospital for months and a few years with this disease. I know she does not always eat healthy. It is hard for her to get out and move around due to the pain. She was sick and in all this pain before she gained weight. Also she is one of the few that can say she has an under active thyroid. Her thyroid levels are so low that she needs to take two pills because they do not make one pill strong enough. Uping it any more would be dangerous. Eating is not the only reason to blame for her weight gain. Her disease is very complicated an it effects many organs of her body and body parts. Yes she could eat healthier. But I will not sit here and listen to people say her disease is over eating. She was near her death bed. She was sick.

4 weeks ago
she was also on meds that made her gain weight an bloat up. She is on steroids. Everyone knows that certain steroids make you gain a lot of weight. Also she was put on lexapro because of depression from all the pain and the surgery. Lexapro will also make you gain weight. And so will eating.


I think you should consider your status as friends. In saying that I mean, are you close enough, where she isn't going to become upset with you offering. Are you close enough that she isnt' going to get embarrassed when you ask her if you can help her, or when you point out that she smells. If she has gotten this big, chances are she knows that she needs to ask for some help, especially if she can't work, but she may be embarrassed to ask. I know I would be if I was in that situation. If I were you, i would handle this very delicately and maybe come around more often, buy her some pretty smelling soaps, something that is nice, and will make her feel like her old self again, then maybe ask her if she would like some help with them. As her friend you need to be there for her, and understand that she may pull back from embarrasement, or she may be so appreciative that you came to her "rescue," Good luck with whatever you decide.

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