How can I prevent Free Radical in the body?!


How can I prevent Free Radical in the body?

What foods prevent Free Radical and what foods are bad that causes Free Radical? What else causes it? What does it exactly do to your body?


Free radicals cause oxidation. The best way to prevent free radical damage is to take an antioxidant. An antioxidant neutralizes the free radicals in our body. The most powerful antioxidant on the market today is OPC-3. It is the same PH level as your bodily fluid so you absorb 95-98% of the ingriedents. It contains Red wine, grape seed,bilberry, pine bark, and citris extracts. The best visuale I can give you of free radicals in action is cutting an apple. When you cut an apple in half and it turns brown thats acually caused by free radicals. They have the same affect on our organs. We just dont feel right away because we have an immune system. You can get it at:

I take it everyday for the past year and I've only been sick once.

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