Can you cause constipation mentally?!


Can you cause constipation mentally?

I usually go pretty regularly, but I've spent the past three days/nights at my new boyfriends. I'm sort of nervous to fart or go while there (yes I did think of the south park episode) & I haven't really had any urges. Now that I’m back home I still don't feel like I have to go and wonder if I should take a laxative or just wait it out. Did I mentally cause constipation? Any thoughts?


short answer, yes.
You can choose to not go and ignore the urge to move your bowels. If you do that long enough your bowel is full but you haven't the urge to go.
If it has been more than 3 days, you should probably take a little milk of magnesia for a couple of evenings before bed so that you can go. Taken properly, Milk of Mag is very gentle on the tummy.
Drink extra water during the day, increase fruits and veggies too. And next time you visit someone, don't be so bashful about pooping. It's a normal body function and EVERYBODY does it LOL.

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