Gallbladder removal?!


Gallbladder removal?

I had my gallbladder removed in May and I have been vomiting and getting quite nauseous. This usually happens if I don't watch what I eat eg. if I eat chocolate. I have heard of people getting diarrhoea if they eat to much fat, but I never heard of anyone getting sick. Has anyone else had this problem when they've had their gallbladder removed?


Hi, I had my gallbladder removed in January and although I experienced a bile leak after the surgery (I had the symptoms you mention of vomiting) I am fine now. I can eat whatever I want without any symptoms. My doctor told me an unrestricted diet. I have had no problems in this regard.

If you have not had any testing, you might want to discuss more specialized testing with your GI doc - such as an ERCP with Sphincter of Oddi manometry - to evaluate for Spincter of Oddi dysfunction. This can replicate gallbladder symptoms in those who had a cholecystectomy.

Best wishes, I hope you feel better soon and get to the bottom of it!

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