How to deal with hyperhydrosis?!


How to deal with hyperhydrosis?

I have hyperhydrosis and I was wondering what the best antiperspirants are for my condition. I can't get a prescription because I don't have insurance, but I'm pretty sure I'd need a prescription if I got checked out. Are there any fellow hh sufferers out there who DON'T have a prescription? What do you use?


i have hyperhidrosis too. i have the problem on my armpits, hands, feet, trunk, and buttox. (Trust me, i know how embarrassing it is) i did get a presciption but i stopped using it because it hurt! first i tried drysol for my underarms, but like i said, it hurt BAD! then i got a prescription of these rubonal pills but they dry you out and they cost a fortune.

so, i use a natural loofah. you can get them at walmart etc and they work! (not to mention they last about 2 months and they are onlt a couple bucks) but they only work under my arms. and certain loofahs might not work as good, but i swear it totally stopped my underarm sweat. it was amazing! but you need to scrub a little. it will be kind of tender at first, so don't hurt yourself. it took about a week and a half to start working, but trust me, if you use the right loofah, it WILL work. :) i'm very happy.
if you have hyperhidrosis on another part of the body, i haven't quite figured out what to use. i heard that natural sage is supposed to control sweat and the nervous system. you can get that at a health food store. just ask someone there how to eat it because it can be toxic if you drink too much.

ps. DO NOT USE DEODORANT WITH ALUMINUM. they cause sweating. get one that is not and antiperspirant. they clog your pores and make it worse. get one without alluminum that is clear. this will help with odor. :) adidas has one with "cotton" something or other. i got it at walmart.

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