Infected Cut?!

Question: Ok, so I cut my index finger with a knife and it went in quite deep so I cleaned it with a medi wipe and put a plaster on it, this was around 11 days ago. So the scab on the cut is kinda green and the cut hasnt shut its like its heeled open or something. Any ideas? Also it hurts when I try to open something like a bottle or a jar and it feels like theres a lump underneath sort of holding the cut up lol.

Answers: Ok, so I cut my index finger with a knife and it went in quite deep so I cleaned it with a medi wipe and put a plaster on it, this was around 11 days ago. So the scab on the cut is kinda green and the cut hasnt shut its like its heeled open or something. Any ideas? Also it hurts when I try to open something like a bottle or a jar and it feels like theres a lump underneath sort of holding the cut up lol.

I don't think its actually gangreene, thats when the area isn't receiving suficient blood flow, and by the sounds of it only a small area is affected. It does tho sound like it's infected.The lump i'd assume is just your body trying to fight the infection, with increased white blood cells in that area causing swelling and that lump. It can take a lot longer for injuries on hands to heel as we're using them so much during the day, and constantly knocking the injury and giving it less of a chance to heal. Best idea would be to head to the docs and he can either prescribe you some antibiotics to help clear it up or clean out the wound for you and dress it a bit better.

Good luck!

Gangreen !! See a doctor today or risk losing a finger/hand/life.

Its too deep to heal on it s own. U need a paper stitch on it. The lump is anti bodies trying to heal it. The nurse can fix it easily. Don t stress on the small stuff! x

the way you describe the scab seems to indicate that the wound is healing from the inside out..........i'd put an antibiotic ointment on it and keep a band aid on it til it heals.....if the area around the wound is not red, inflamed or has red streaks spreading from it..........chances are it's healing ok

OK, i tink the cut is too dip tats y the scab is still at the side.. your finger is slowly healing.. dun worry.. and u mendtioned tat it hurts wen u open a jar or bottle? it shld b becos u are stretching the cut.. im not sure bout the lump ting though..

try soaking it in something called ebsensalt.I am not sure if I spelt that correctly but my son had a simular infection in his toe to the point of boarder line gangerine.Doing this saved his toe.Also if it gets any worse you should see a doctor.You may need antibiotics

I wrote you a long answer and then it hit me that you said it was green. Go to the hospital, it could be gangrene. If it is, they have to treat it right now or you could lose your finger. Get thee to a hospital and put up with the BS just because it could be that bad.

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