Is this normal? please read?!

Question: I don't know if I should ask this question in this area but I am going to try... and I hope I get a good answer because something weird happen to me while I am sleeping and I really want to know what is it and if this is normal.
Sometimes while I am sleeping I awake but I can't move any part of my body, I try to move one hand or one finger or one leg, but nothing works and I know my eyes are CLOSED but anyway I can see what's around me, I can listen and I can see but I swear my eyes are closed and it feels like I am prisoner in my own body and I have not the control over it sometimes if I try to move one hand, etc. I feel like if I were floating or elevating above my bed and it scare me so I stop trying to move and I get back to the bed. Other times (most of the times) if I keep trying to move I can open my eyes and everything looks the same as I was looking when I experienced that. And I don't want to sleep again but I feel SO sleepy sometimes seconds after the experience I sleep again because I can't avoid it and immediately I am having that experience again!! so I have to wake up and slap my own face to keep awake.
Do you know what is happeing to me?

Answers: I don't know if I should ask this question in this area but I am going to try... and I hope I get a good answer because something weird happen to me while I am sleeping and I really want to know what is it and if this is normal.
Sometimes while I am sleeping I awake but I can't move any part of my body, I try to move one hand or one finger or one leg, but nothing works and I know my eyes are CLOSED but anyway I can see what's around me, I can listen and I can see but I swear my eyes are closed and it feels like I am prisoner in my own body and I have not the control over it sometimes if I try to move one hand, etc. I feel like if I were floating or elevating above my bed and it scare me so I stop trying to move and I get back to the bed. Other times (most of the times) if I keep trying to move I can open my eyes and everything looks the same as I was looking when I experienced that. And I don't want to sleep again but I feel SO sleepy sometimes seconds after the experience I sleep again because I can't avoid it and immediately I am having that experience again!! so I have to wake up and slap my own face to keep awake.
Do you know what is happeing to me?

It's called a waking dream. When you are asleep, in REM (rapid eye movement) stage sleep, you are "paralyzed." That is because when you dream, your brain actually sends the nerve impulses to the muscles that you would use, doing the things you do in your dream. If you could move, you would endanger yourself, aka sleepwalking. If you have ever seen a dog or cat sleep, you can see this. The eyes will twitch, and the paws will move a bit, as well as the face. This is normal.
Your dream happens when you rouse from REM sleep momentarily, and the neurochemical causing the temporary paralysis is still present. You "shake" yourself to produce a chemical to take up the chemical causing paralysis.
Your eyes wake up, but your eyelids are closed. Your eyes remember what they saw, and what the room looks like, but you can't move your eyelids, because of the temporary muscle paralysis.
It's a VERY disturbing feeling, but it is not dangerous. You may be drinking caffeine sodas too close to bedtime. Other things can cause your sleep to be interrupted. If it is a big problem, a doctor should be able to prescribe some medicine to help.
It is natural, and nothing to be worried about.

I didn't read it but thanks for the points anyway

I can't answer to as of why this has happened, hopefully someone more knowledgeable than myself in regards to this can. BUT i can tell you that i experienced the same thing the other night myself. I am also lookihng for answers.


My mom had this and it was a symptom of Lyme Disease. E-mail me if you want to chat more! :) She had to go to a specialist to finally figure out what was wrong with her. The doctors called her crazy and diagnosed the individual symptoms rather than diagnosing her entire illness. By the way, the symptoms you are describing, is called "Bell's palsy". Take a look at the website I listed below. Different people have a different set of symptoms. See a Lyme Disease specialist. Don't bother going to a regular doctor. Most doctors don't take the more minor symptoms seriously nor do they know much about Lyme Disease. P.S. Lyme Disease is TREATABLE. In fact, it is VERY hard to differentiate (even for doctors) the difference between MS and Lyme Disease. After a lot of research, there are two major is Lyme Disease is treatable, Multiple Sclerosis is not. The other is the brain pattern (or something like that) is different in MS. However, when a person has Lyme Disease this brain pattern can eventually show up. Many people are MIS-Diagnosed with MS when they actually have Lyme Disease.

Paula, you have never had a FAMILY member with Lyme Disease. This WAS one of my mom's symptoms. Yes, it is caused by a tick (not a thick). However, mosquitoes may also carry it (one study said one out of every two carry it). More research is being done as to whether these mosquitoes can actually transfer it to humans. Read Mayo Clinic's website, Paula.....Bell's Palsy is absolutely a symptom of Lyme Disease.

Paula needs to do her research.

P.S. Look up Bell's Palsy. Your symptoms may be different. If you think you have Bell's Palsy, then look into checking yourself out for Lyme Disease.

It is called hag syndrome or sleep paralysis.
It is pretty common! So don't freak out. It's caused by you waking up really fast during a REM phase of sleep, on which brain deactivates movements of the big muscles of the body, because it is when you dream the most and it would be weird and harmful for the body if it was acting the dream

Lyme disease is an infection caused by the sting of a thick, and, I'm sorry for saying it, but sleep paralysis is not a symptom of it.

one question
you were seeing around
while your eyes were closed
maybe your mind wasnt working
coz it has the control on your body
it could be a dream that was annoying you
you cannot feel the change
2)youre awake

maybe you were having and outer body experience you know like astral travel but the rest of you wont let you leave it happens ab lot

my husband thinks i'm crazy for reading her books, but Sylvia Brown (she come's out on montel williams (sp?) says that when we are sleeping, our spirit floats around, and when we try to wake up, and we try to come in our bodies too fast, that happens. ??????????

It is normal ask your familly members if any of them have it, its happened to me a few times and happends to my Aunty and my Cousin too. It just meands your mind is awake but you still arnt fully concious yet. Its scary I know

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