Signs of dehydration?!

Question: My mouth is constantly dry, my lips are dry, and that never happens, because I use lip balm all of the time. I also get dizzy, alot.

What are some other signs of dehydration? I thought I was drinking plenty of water. Im also wondering if it could perhaps be fatigue.

Answers: My mouth is constantly dry, my lips are dry, and that never happens, because I use lip balm all of the time. I also get dizzy, alot.

What are some other signs of dehydration? I thought I was drinking plenty of water. Im also wondering if it could perhaps be fatigue.

well it could be simply fatigue, Sounds to me like you are slightly dehydrated (which will cause fatigue). but other signs are headaches, and dizziness (seeing 'spots') along with nausea.

Excess (dangerous) dehydration results in excessively dry skin, and the ends of your hair curling upwards along (and being dry and brittle) also, dry mouth and cracked lips (and skin), darker urine and all of the other things aforementioned. As well as disorientation, incoherence and so on and so forth. I don't eat right, and that was one of the things i was told. I didn't think i was dehydrated, but apparently i was.

Drink water, and other drinks that boost your electrolytes as that will help tremendously. Everyone gets dehyrdated once in a while so it's no worries; but if it is prolonged and excessive there can be other health related issues. Your body needs to be hydrated not just for appearance sake, but so that your brain can work right and other organs can, well, function properly.

I had to drink like a ton of water. And eat something. I normally drink a lot of water and juice; but i wasn't drinking much water or juice and i hadn't eaten in a few days. I don't eat very much, or often. So, i'm dumb like that, don't do that. Make sure to get enough fluids always. Especially water.


If you pull the skin on the back of your hand up and out, release it, and it retracts back slowly it's a sign. Skin should snap back quickly. If you go into serious dehydration you could experience headaches, nausea, and skin that dents in when you poke on it (pitting edema).

Have you considered having your blood sugar checked? Dry mouth, chapped lips, and dizziness are also symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

Dehydration in older adults
Older adults have an increased chance of becoming dehydrated because they may:

Not drink because they do not feel as thirsty as younger people.
Have kidneys that do not work well.
Choose not to drink because of the inability to control their bladders (incontinence).
Have physical problems or a disease which makes it:
Hard to drink or hold a glass.
Painful to get up from a chair.
Painful or exhausting to go to the bathroom.
Difficult to talk or communicate to someone about their symptoms.
Take medicines that increase urine output.
Not have enough money to adequately feed themselves.
Watch babies, small children, and older adults closely for the early symptoms of dehydration any time they have illnesses that cause high fever, vomiting, or diarrhea. The early symptoms of dehydration are:

A dry mouth and sticky saliva.
Reduced urine output with dark yellow urine.
Acting listless or easily irritated.
Review the Emergencies and Check Your Symptoms sections to determine if and when you need to see a doctor.

Usually nausea, headaches, dry skin, thirst, dizziness, yellow urine (although that can be due to what you drink). If you are very active, you might need more water than you think. 8, eight ounce glasses is the average person's necessary amt but if you work out and sweat alot or work in a very dry environment, you may need more. If your lips are dry, it's a very good indication that you are dehydrated.

Other signs are feeling dizzy, headache, abdominal cramps. If you have ridges in your nails, that can also be an indication of dehydration. Cold weather and indoor heating suck the moisture right out of you. It's best to increase your water intake.

Fatigue is another sign of dehydration.

Try using something like olive oil on your lips: That works better for me than most lip balms.

If you are in fact drinking plenty of water, you may want to look at what you're eating: Some of the dehydration symptoms are also the same as those of mild malnutrition.

If neither of those is the problem, see a doctor: There are other conditions that can cause what you're seeing.

Good luck!

I think you need some fluids...anyone I can call for ya?

If your pee is clear then your properly hydrated if has any color you need to drink more water

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