My inner ear Is always excessively itchy, Its driving me nuts. Do you know cause!

Question: I do not swim and I dont have wax build up. I dont want to put a ear bud to sratch them as Im afraid this will damage my ears. How can I itch them without poking anything into them?

Answers: I do not swim and I dont have wax build up. I dont want to put a ear bud to sratch them as Im afraid this will damage my ears. How can I itch them without poking anything into them?

This may be the beginning of an ear infection. If your experience is anything like mine, it could become chronic. Go see an ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat) specialist.

Yeah, go see your doc - to get the *referral*!

Duhhhh......I forgot something. You may also want to try, especially if you are tempted to stick anything in there to relieve the itching (by the way, DON'T), using one of those rubber bulby squirty things and fill it with *luke warm* water, and gently rinse out your ear.

Use of cold water might make you lose your balance, and be plain ol' unpleasant. And hot water? If you can read this, then I don't need to tell you.

Also - and take this as a treatment that *I* - not as any medical professional *whatsoever*, but as a *LAYPERSON/
PATIENT*!! - have tried (with worsening results, mind you!), but which was suggested, and prescribed by my ENT until I told her the results, is to use Acetasol HC ear drops. Now, I don't know if that particular medicine is prescription only (mine is). Nonetheless, you can go to the nearest 24hr pharmacy and ask (preferably a pharmacist) what you may find as a possible OTC (over the counter) med. And, as it would be an OTC product, *read* *the* *label*. Better yet, ask the pharmacist about it.

you might have an allergic rhinitis,,
mine does too especially when it is excessively dusty.

see an ENT [ear nose and throat doctor]

whatever you do, dont use Qtips. they are the WORST POSSIBLE THING YOU CAN DO TO YOUR EARS other than sound damage.

idk...rinse them out with water? im not a dad is. hence the Qtip warning

You probley have irritation from not cleaning them enough or something may have just got in their.take a q-tip and wet it that way what ever is in your ear will stick to it.Also they do have itching cream for iration at the drug store but if it gets worst you may have an infection so consult your doctor

Well, can't really tell you how to scratch inside your ear canals without putting anything into them, but you are right that it's a bad idea to do anyway...

My ears and my throat used to drive me crazy with itching as well. You probably do have allergies. OTC Claritin/loratidine helped me with it quite a bit. Avoiding what you are allergic to helps as well. Take note of what you are doing/ what you are near when it gets worse; that might help you identify the culprit(s).

I suffer from this also. It drives me crazy anyway. I use to use q tips all the time but found this made my ears worse( ringing, sore etc) so dont do this. I think If you can just put up with It and try really hard to just ignor, you may find they get better as time goes on. Also next time you are at the docs ask him to check them out.

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