Booger problem.. (please don't laugh)?!

Question: Since about 3 weeks ago, this small area in my nose keeps getting booger in the same place. When i take it off, i really hurts. Then, 1 week ago, Another area in my nose, really close to the other one, started getting that too, but when i take it off, it bleeds. It won't go away. (These are only happening on my left nostril) Could I have an infection or disease, because on it says there are some types of diseases involving "boogers"

Answers: Since about 3 weeks ago, this small area in my nose keeps getting booger in the same place. When i take it off, i really hurts. Then, 1 week ago, Another area in my nose, really close to the other one, started getting that too, but when i take it off, it bleeds. It won't go away. (These are only happening on my left nostril) Could I have an infection or disease, because on it says there are some types of diseases involving "boogers"

Are you getting over a cold, or have an abundance of mucus? I bet the weather has something to do with it too, cold outside, hot and dry inside. Try using a saline nose spray, it oughta help and when you get the chance check with your doctor about getting sick. Stop picking at the booger-dry spot too--I know it bugs you knowing it's there, but try just spraying with the saline and it'll help keep things in there more moist.

go to the doctor

Maybe it's a sore in your nose from picking it.

Go to the doctor?
Or maybe they are not boogers...
maybe they're scabs.
That's why it hurts and that's why it bleeds.

I would go to a doctor, maybe it is a sore or a scab. Stop picking at it and maybe it will heal up!!!

actually this is the first time I haven't had a good answer,
you should definitely go and see a doc. but you should maybe try breathing differently try yoga!!Or u can just let it heal on its own!

Ouch this sounds sore and embarrassing. It sounds like it could be a cold-sore and you can buy creams for this. However, you need to stop picking at it lol...ino its tempting.
good luck and hope this helps xxx

This happens to everyone sometime or another, you just need to let it alone and let it heal even if it means having a stuffy nose for a couple of days. It should come out by itself (when blowing your nose) without bleeding. It's not a disease. You may have had a cold or something though.

Instead of picking it put some vaseline on it to keep it soft.
It must be a scab with a sore underneath and when you pick it off it just forms another one.
The vaseline will keep it soft so it can heal.
Then keep your fingers out of there and let it.

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