Curious...why would a surgeon remove the whole gall bladder and not just the gal!

Question: The patient has had a rather difficult time with cysts , ahesions and somewhat recently with gallstones.Do you think these were considerations.?I realize she should have asked her doctor but i think she was glad to hear her pain attacks( we're talking years) would be coming to an end.

Answers: The patient has had a rather difficult time with cysts , ahesions and somewhat recently with gallstones.Do you think these were considerations.?I realize she should have asked her doctor but i think she was glad to hear her pain attacks( we're talking years) would be coming to an end.

Well to my understanding there are only 2 ways I've seen in regards to gall stones being dealt with. Waiting while they are passing in the bile ducts and then having the gall bladder surgically excised, or removed. The gall bladder is just the storage unit for the bile. The liver will still make the bile and when the body requires the bile to aid in digestion etc. It usually will still perform on task. However if you leave in a problematic gallbladder, you may have a blockage occur and then you can get jaundiced and then the liver can get into issue and other major problems then can arise. You don't really need that gallbladder. Your body will learn to compensate without it. You will find better tolerance when you eat low fat diets too. As this can be a diet issue for people with the gall bladder out. Surgical intervention can be something that makes you anxious or worry, however the risk of gall stone attacks won't go away by not treating the problem. Hope this helps.

Because the gallstones already damaged the gallbladder and leaving it in would reform gallstones. And some cases of chronic gallbladder inflamation lead to cancer of gallbladder (real bad stuff!).

I dont think they can remove just the gallstones because the gall bladder is diseased. i have never heard of just taking out not a doctor but i dont think taking out just gallstones is a possibility.

Good chance more stones would develop.

If there is one stone obstructing the bile duct, sometimes they can get it out without opening you up. So- sometimes they DO remove one stone.

Haaa... Haaa... Haaa... I did asked my doctor, and he explain, cutting open the gall bladder to take out the stone is risky as the stone might spill inside your body. This will cause infection. And imagine the doctor to collect all those stone after spilling it inside you. Another thing is that the stone might not be hard,but soft and brittle. Kind of hard to take it all out. Anyway as explain above, you can still survive without it.

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