Questions about my strep throat?!

Question: I have had a minor sore throat for about 4-5 weeks now, nothing real painful and it comes and goes. This morning though, I woke up with the white infection in my throat. I know its strep, I have had it before, but I am worried a little because it doesnt really hurt. Is this normal? The last time it hurt bad. Now it hurts very little then no pain, then a little then none, on and off. Also I have no money right now and no insurance but I have 2 full bottles of penicillian VK from several months ago, my doctor over prescribed for when I had some teeth work done, and I never took it. It wasnt dangerous, I was only given it as a precaution, not for an infection. Should I be okay to just start taking them as directed until gone for this round of strep? I just cant afford the doctor with bills and me being a single mom of 3 boys. Any advice please? On taking them and about how common is it to have hardly no pain at all with this. Thank you very much.

Answers: I have had a minor sore throat for about 4-5 weeks now, nothing real painful and it comes and goes. This morning though, I woke up with the white infection in my throat. I know its strep, I have had it before, but I am worried a little because it doesnt really hurt. Is this normal? The last time it hurt bad. Now it hurts very little then no pain, then a little then none, on and off. Also I have no money right now and no insurance but I have 2 full bottles of penicillian VK from several months ago, my doctor over prescribed for when I had some teeth work done, and I never took it. It wasnt dangerous, I was only given it as a precaution, not for an infection. Should I be okay to just start taking them as directed until gone for this round of strep? I just cant afford the doctor with bills and me being a single mom of 3 boys. Any advice please? On taking them and about how common is it to have hardly no pain at all with this. Thank you very much.

White pockets on your tonsils may be strep, but also are common with adenoviruses. The three symptoms I look for before treating strep are: 1. Fever, over 101
2. White patches, like yours
3. Swollen lymph glands in the neck.
If all 3 are there, I treat without a culture. If 2 are present, I offer a swab test or rapid test, with the option of starting antibiotics until the culture returns. Only 1 symptom, rapid test, with culture to prove positive before treating.
Remember, the only reason we treat strep throat is not to get you better faster, but to prevent the small possibility of developing post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis& rheumatic fever. This only happens about 1/10th of 1% of cases of untreated strep. The public generally thinks they will not get better without taking antibiotics, and this is just not the case.

its fine. your muscles have to slightly rip and they rebuild themselvs and when they rebuildthey get bigger. look at gcse pe books.

I've had that before. it isnt strep but its getting close to being strep. dont take the penicillian cus you dont know what will happen. take honey and lemons together and that will help your throat. just mix it into a kind of sauce or put it into some hot water. that will help and then you dont have to go to the doctor!

these will help

Penicillin has been traditionally recommended for strep and is still very effective, so being that you sound like you are in the same boat as me, insurance wise, i would take them if you are sure you have far as it not hurting, not sure..mine has always hurt..but thats just one symtom..there are many more..difficulty swallowing, swollen lymph nodes,fever, etc..

go to the doctor. if you take meds you shouldn't, then it may get worse.

Should be Alright.Penicillin is one of the best antibiotics for strep.You would take it 4 times a day for 10 days.Penicillin VK contains potassium so don't take any supplements with Potassium or vitamin water that contains potassium while you are taking it.

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