SMOKING What would you say to make me give up?!

Question: Hardened long term smoker who enjoys it soooooooo much but wants to be healthier!

Answers: Hardened long term smoker who enjoys it soooooooo much but wants to be healthier!

The thing that helped me was not the fact that it's bad for you, you're going to die, etc, every one knows this.....
It was the realisation that smoking doesn't help or change any thing.
Something stressing you out or getting you down? How will smoking a cig change the situation - it doesn't. When you get into that mind set it becomes very easy. I've just gone over 12 months no smoking. The first few days were tough, but it gets soooo much easier. I really cant picture my self smoking ever again.

The other thing i think would help would be to take 5 long drags of a cig and tell your self you enjoy it - you won't.

If you need more help i can highly recommend 'The easy way to stop smoking' by Alan Carr.

The best of luck to you.

do you want to go through this:


you have a 1 in 5 chance of dying before your 55 if you smoke. compare that to 1 in 30 for non-smokers. do you have children? who's going teach them right from wrong, and protect them from the world if you are gone

No one can say anything, my darling. If you want to develop lung cancer and die young, that's your choice! As well as going wrinkley younger, getting yellow teeth, bad breath and developing grey hair faster, your organs will be damaged, but brought it on yourself!

I quit because it was costing me a lot of money. I've now managed to pay for a two week holiday abroad just with the money I've saved from quitting smoking. That was a good incentive for me!!

Buy the book Stop Smoking by Alan Carr,
Its amazing . was on 40 cigs a day and quit after reading the book.
Well worth it too.

No one likes a quiter!! :)

You are only giving the government more of your hard earned money. And they do things like stop you from smoking in your local pub. Show them a lesson by not giving them the extra taxes.

Not much i can say really because you enjoy it so much. If you really want to stop smoking, you need to have the willpower and actually want to stop.

Nothing you haven't already heard.

You need to motivate yourself not wait for someone else to do it for you.

id say you stink. do you really want to smell?

why do you want to kill yourself? and when you say hardened smoker are you talking about your arteries and your heart?
If I offered you a drink of arsenic or nail varnish remover would you knock it back? Both of which are two of the hundreds of chemicals found in ciggarettes. I quit 4 years ago after smoking 20-30 a day for 15 years. I have never looked back.

you are slowly killing youself.

give up now and think about
1. how much money you will have
2. how much nicer you will smell
3. how much healthier your body will be
4. how you will be able to call yourself a non-smoker
5. how smoking is becoming quickly less and less acceptable
6. how the condition of your teeth/hair/skin will improve

i've tried looooads of different ways of quitting and the best and only thing that worked for me was thinking of these things and quitting. just not smoking cigarettes again. cutting down always led to smoking more and more. when you're out with people who are smoking just look at them and think they are wasting their lives on a stick of tabacco.

Good luck!.

The fact you are even here asking about giving up means you're already on your way to quitting! So congratulations!

There are loads of things you can do to make quitting easier if that's what you do really want. It has to come from you though- it's your choice and your willpower you will be relying on- other people can only give you support and advice!

I suppose you're sick of hearing all the damaging affects of smoking- but as a doctor i see the consequences every day and it's enough for me never ever to smoke. People as young as 40 are trapped at home on oxygen, they can't walk more than 10 yards without being severly out of breath- they cant complete sentences.

lung cancer- the cancer you reeeally dont want to get because it's usually asymptomatic until it's spread to your bones, brain, or liver. By then it's too late. If you get lucky- you might get away with having a bit of lung removed. Normally you have between 3 months and 2 years depending on the type of cancer.

Furthmore, you smell. You really really stink. It's gross. When you've quit i dare you to go up to a smoker and you'll be grossed out imagining you smelt like that.

It turns your skin and teeth yellow

It ages you faster than anything else

It's disgusting

It's expensive

It gives you heart disease

It kills you

SO! pop along to the dr- ask what there is to help you. Things from pills which make it much much easier to quit, to support groups, NHS charts which you can fill in noting how well you're doing etc. Go to the chemist and get some nicotine gum, patch whatever. Or just go cold turkey. Most people are surprised how easy it is to quit. The worst part is the first 3 days. once you're over that you just need to forget the habit of having something in your mouth.

Good luck, and please do stop smoking!

okay, going through this right now.... i didn't want to quit -- 20+ years but knew i had to quit. my blood pressure was elevated and i didn't want to be on meds. hitting a milestone birthday. there are some things that i didn't realize were issues until i quit smoking. give it one week and see if you can cut it? i don't know if you're a weak or strong person but.,... since i wouldn't quit for a while i knew i was weak and the smokes were stronger then me. that was BS and i knew it - i'm a lot stronger then some tobacco leaves. just depends on what you want out of life. i can't believe how people stink when i walk past them now. is it always easy - oh hail no!!!! the other day i was screaming in the house - i want a cigarette! i just don't buy them. have i cheated - sure bummed smoke off others but then i feel lousy and it tastes nasty! just don't bum that which you normally smoked - those still taste good ; )
so - what do you want out of life?!?!?!?

Strange thing is you get better taste of food and drinks, after the initial blip you feel a lot better in the morning. After doing something like this you feel like you've achieved so much and your really proud of your self.

this might not help but here it goes 9 years ago my grandad gave up smoking he was a chain smoker for a long time (nearly all his young life) within that time of him quitting he developed cancer of the lungs last year after suffering silently for over a year he died now he had stopped smoking and changed his life around but the damage was already done and it was painful for us all. but the docs said had he carried on smoking he would of died 8 years ago so because he quit he had an extra few years to see my son but sadly not my little girl

Look at me Look at Liz Dawn both just living cause we gave it up... how long for we don't know... but would possibly be dead now if continued to smoke... I smoked from 14 to 75 and was like you. A trip as emergency to hospital for suspected heart attack woke me up... Heart given all clear but lungs knackered... only 45% efficient... All because of smoking.. You will get this Cant go upstairs without gasping for breath, Cant do simple jobs,, Slightest exertion makes you gasp.. It is not pleasant. I gave up after the hospital visit las January 2007. A year later am a lot better. but still limmited to what I can do.. but have a better life as long as I live to what I can do.. Can walk round the shops, can do a slow dance I couldn't a year ago.. So its all in favour of stopping get a better life... I used Champix to help me.. Better than patches,,, Prescription only from doctor.. Good luck but do give up you wont regret it ..

Well clearly our advice will just end up being words to you if you do enjoy smoking and you are addicted... I would just take the fact that you want to be healthier and focus on that, after all.. you are your own best motivator. Also if getting healthier is important to you, then start a personal study on how smoking effects your health (and others). Thats how I ended up quitting for good.. I took an interest in the human body, looked into the effects it has, not only on the obvious parts of your body and got freaked out and decided enough was and wikipedia etc, are all fantastic for finding useless/useful information.. whichever way you go, GOOD LUCK!!

Keep going. I'm sure you must look great on them. On a cold day do you smoke whilst wearing gloves? If so, brilliant.
You must really smell good.
Why are you kidding yourself about stopping?

If you stop who will contribute your cig taxes if you stop ?
who will the anti smoking brigade get on about if you stop ?
Do you think the NHS will lower funding to hospitals if you stop thus because of people not having smoking related
Do you want to put people out of work who are in cig making and distributing also selling them.
Cig lighter manufactures going bust.
Lastly you and i would be ratty and could you do without a cig in the morning with you break fast ? plus how could you have a good cough with out a cig ? bugger them I'm want a smoke now after that.

You are wasting your life

what would i say to make you quit?

hmmmm..... u maybe already having a small cease now in your lungs. isn't that scary? lol. no kid thou. its dangerous.

I said these words to a friend 6 months ago.(Please give smoking up if you want to see the kids grow up)Sorry to say my words did not help her as she passed away just recently from lung cancer.So please try and give smoking up before it is to late.I wish you all the best.

Try going out for a jog, see how long you last would you like to go further without gasping for breath, would you like to see your grandchildren grow up and be at there weeding.

You've already knew that Smoking is unhealthy & toxic.. Therefore you just command yourself to STOP SMOKING immediately otherwise you program yourself to STOP SMOKING gradually step by step....

Besides that you try using Bio Disc because Bio Disc will detoxify the Toxic from your cigarette i.e. Tar and nicotine will be removed in seconds.

pls refer to HU272609 Munir Taib.

You have to drink at least 8 glasses of water and take at least 2000mg of Vitamin C & E. and eat more fruits and vegetables.. I wish you all the best to be fit & healthy..

imagine how much money you'll have in your pocket for drinking if you give up smoking.

I have friends parents dying from smoking related diseases, the ops they have gone through are unbelievable.
My son is trying to give up, and his doctor said, 'You can smoke until you are 60, but it will kill you in the end' Both my parents died of smoking related illnesses.
You think it will not happen to you, but believe me my friend it will.I know it is hard my husband smoked for 47 years, and he loved the rolling up, it was all a ritual.
Part of the habit. He used to practically eat them.
He went to N.H.S. for help 3 years ago this may. he has not smoked since, and he still may die from whatever he has done to his body, but please please try.....
Think how much nicer you will smell and your breath, I hope you heed my advice. YOU AND ONLY YOU CAN DO IT. jb.

Your next cigarette could be the one that triggers off cancer.

Who's gonna take care of you while you're going through chemo/radiotherapy? Who's gonna pay the bills when you can't work?

oh well... at least you'll have your cigarettes to rely on

sorry if this sounds harsh but it is sooo true. I've been there and come through the other side. You CAN do it!! good luck!

U know what?
Smokers are liable to die of many infections, apart from the usual lung infection; difficult breathing, susceptibility (VERY HIGH) to asthma and other airway diseases.
just stop smoking. Your family loves you.

imagine how your family will feel when you die younger than you would normally. and you WILL die younger than you would normally. they'll be gutted. especially if you have a husband/wife and children. imagine... imagine what it would be like for them. i know i'd be upset if someone i knew wasted their life on smoking. If you carry on after reading this then you obviously don't care about your family and friends. please stop... or i've written an essay for nothing! lol

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