I am having problems getting to sleep, should i....?!

Question: ok so i have to be at work in 12 hours.. i cant get to sleep.. i am trying to decide if i should drink myself to sleep or if i should take some acetaminophen pm (basically tylonol and benadryl) what do you think?? oh yeah, and telling me to get off of the computer is not an option as an answer!! :-)

Answers: ok so i have to be at work in 12 hours.. i cant get to sleep.. i am trying to decide if i should drink myself to sleep or if i should take some acetaminophen pm (basically tylonol and benadryl) what do you think?? oh yeah, and telling me to get off of the computer is not an option as an answer!! :-)

it sounds to me more like anxiety than sleeplessness. at the very least you should get off the computer, [don't get crazed on me now]...because typing here keeps your brain active, when what you need is the opposite. As for the drinking, that is one of the reasons you keep waking up. although alcohol initially makes you drowsy, it has the opposite effect hours later. over the years i have noticed that there are certain things that keep me awake, and i put them into a list. when I'm lying awake wondering why, i just go down the list.

Have i taken my meds? am i super hungry? am i too hot or cold? in pain? need the bathroom? overly thirsty? and is the heat/AC turned up too high/low? Usually there are at least 2 of them i get a yes to. Being cold in bed will keep you awake as you try to conserve energy, so wear enough of a nightie or whatever to keep you warm..... when it's my stomach growling, i eat only a couple slices of cheese... just enough to stop the growling. also for about an hour before bedtime, turn off anything that stimulates your brain, like action games/and or movies. stop reading books that are scary, and dim the lights. your body clock is used to bright light equaling daytime, so it keeps you up.... well dim light has the opposite effect. if you have lights on as you are online, turn them off or use just one little lamp... that will help calm you further

As for pills, your real problem seems to be anxiety over BEING sleepless, so forget pills.Also, forget tea. regular has caffeine, herbal has an enzyme in it that will make you very thirsty.
try making a list of your own. put down anything you would find calming if you weren't obsessing over being asleep. and think over reasons on MY list... maybe some of them apply to you. oh and the WORST thing you can do is have your alarm clock facing your bed so you obsess over every little second that goes by, instead, turn it away from your sight,... you MAY keep waking up to look at it, but when your brain sees nothing, it relaxes and you fall back asleep. As long as you set your alarm first, everything will be fine. being able to see every little second click by is anxiety personified. i also have something you can do while just lying there in bed. with your eyes closed, choose an object -- say a blue ball for example -- and hold it in your mind. keep it sharp and crystal clear. repeat what it is mentally, and if you start to fall asleep, wake yourself up [still with your eyes closed] to sharpen your focus on its detail.the harder and longer you focus on it... try REAL hard NOT to fall asleep, the better off and more calm you will feel. your anxiety will calm and you might sleep. definitely it will slow down your racing heart. try it, and remember -- FOCUS on every little detail. Focus, focus, focus.

Have some drinks. Its safer than medicine.

close eyes count backwords from 1000

tylonal pm is amazing

Lunesta is a sleeping pill, maybe give it a shot. Drinking is never a smart choice.


if you have wine drink a glass to help calm you down

lie in bed for as long as you can with your eyes closed and slow your breathing down and concentrate on slowing your heart beat down. works like a charm. stop worrying about when you ahve to be at work. so what you'll be tired worse things have happened

read or drink warm milk

I always go with the acetaminophen PM. I take it every night to help me sleep (but I don't take it on the weekends, to ensure that I don't form an habit). It works like a charm for me.

I choose beer..... :)
Sorry you have to work tomorrow and I'd be the last person to say "get off the computer" because when we can't sleep, it's what we do .... do you have any Nyquill? That works too - just don't take too much cuz it will work the opposite.

dont take any pills to go to sleep.... the way things are going now-a-days you may never wake up =( .... just watch some boring tv shows, that usually puts me to sleep in a hurry....

Take a warm bath, get some chamomile tea tomorrow, passion flower capsules will help as will hops.

Erm.... well, I think it would help if you went to bed. Honestly.

I would lay in bed and read until I was relaxed and then turn the lights out and go to sleep.

I would stay awake until I'm too tired, even if it only leaves you with afew hours of sleep. You'll wake up more refreshed than with a hangover ... Though sleeping pills may not be such a bad idea, as long as you don't make a habbit out of it =p Also, watch some TV, it's better than internet, because you can't interact and your brain is less active.

If your going to do the Tylenol pm, do it soon. Otherwise you will have a benadryl hang over in the morning.

what kinda question is that shouldnt you know how to get to sleep on ur own.

all about the medicane it helps me

Anxiety seems to be the problem. Is work that hard or are you unhappy at work? Check the Mayo clinic sight for signs of depression.

Its probably cause your stressed if you lights are on then you cant turn off everything that can make a noise. Then close your eyes as long as possible and just dont open them then you will go to sleep =)

Well here comes the thumbs down, but why dont you try smoking the old green stuff just before bed?? You'll sleep like a baby.

you know what? if you would go see a therapist they can give you something that can help and maybe you are abit depressed or something it will help both items. don't drink i have son with this and hes not can't quit drinking its very sad. hes functioning but not well being drunk at nite its very sad. taking meds over counter isn't good either you can get hooked with out doctors permission they can and do help. take care.

you should dance DDR and you'll get tired ..trust me

Well.........get off the computer. Try reading a book or watching tv. Lay back and relax.

well first just try a shower and that will sooth you
-also try to tire yourself to sleep if step one doesnt work
-niquil is the last step

get lavender oil and put some under your nose, and on ur forehead, you will be sleep in no time. Or bath in lavender either or. Lavender is great for sleep.

Dont drink yourself to sleep... thats a bad option! I'd take something that makes you tired like the medicine. Drinking yourself to sleep will only make you wake up even more tired and with a headache! Not good and wouldnt look good at work!

Good luck! Night night!

I'm not sure about tonight, but next time you can stop by you're local health food store and get "melatonin" it's in capsules and chewable tablets, athletes take it, and it's helped me for literal YEARS now :)

(the smallest dosage the better, I find if you take a bigger dosage you DO get to sleep, but then your whole day will be groggy)

At the moment' I'd say take the PM capsule, it might work if you just take half, and then if you're not asleep within like 20-30 min, then take the 2nd half

Well, it depends
How long has this been going on for you?
If it is just tonight or once in a blue moon when you have a lot on your mind, then I would say just take some Tylenol PM and nothing else, it kicks in in about 15mins or so
Don't drink to go to sleep because you may end up with a hangover the next morning or being really dehydrated, plus it's just bad for your body
If this happens to you a lot, like for more than one month, you might want to see your doctor to see if you have insomnia and he could give you a prescription for it.
Good luck and sweet dreams!

I would cut out the caffeine from now on. That seems to be working for me. Next choice is the acetaminophen pm. I would also cut out the alcohol. You could try reading yourself to sleep. Do you own a Bible? I suggest the Gospel written by John. Good night sleepyhead.

let's see ,drinking is bad idea,you won't sleep as much as pass out. The pm stuff might work better,but try a warm bath,warm milk a pair of thick socks on your feet and warming up the bed with a heating pad first.

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