The car door slammed my finger..?!

Question: it's the middle part of the finger and now it's all purple and it hurts a lot. it's not broken cuz i can move it but do u think i should just let it heal?.. what's wrong with it?

helpful answers only please.

Answers: it's the middle part of the finger and now it's all purple and it hurts a lot. it's not broken cuz i can move it but do u think i should just let it heal?.. what's wrong with it?

helpful answers only please.

You just bruised it really bad. I used to know someone who did that. It was bad. Just let it heal and it will be fine. Ouch!

Ow. See Dr. Nick.

I think this is normal.I slammed my thumb in car door before,and it turned purple and then the fingernail fell off,but grew back.If it is throbbing put ice on it and take a painreliever.

this happened to me also! Well, my mom just put BENGAY on it and it healed very quickly. To make it heal faster just keep rubbing it and resist the pain. <--you might think that is stupid but, it really works!
hope this helps.

You should put it in a brace then just let it heal!!! It should be fine!!! You may have a weird bump after it heals but that is normal!

It may be wise to get an x ray as you could have fractured it even though you can move it. Regular paracetemol (1g four times a day) and ibruprofen (Always read label incase you can't take it) will help with the pain and the swelling. Ice packs also help with with any swelling and bruising.

It's purple because there's been a blood vessel break when the door slammed on it! Thats congealed blood you're looking at - not a normal bruise! You must, must splint that finger or your heading for trouble - get two lolly sticks or your doctor can give you some tongue depressers - put one under the finger and one on top and tape it all the way round - you must keep the digit rigid for a day or two. It'll hurt like a b***h but be brave - take some Ibruprofen or Paracetomol. After two days undo the wrapping and try to start using the finger - by the way - how do you know for sure its not broken? If i were you my friend, i'd go for an x-ray, its painless and quick and will tell you all you need to know? Keep your hand above your heart line - ie - keep it in a sling until it heals.

You cannot be sure that it is not brocken, unless you have an
Xray. If the finger is not deformed, it is still better to wear a
splint on it for few days, allowing even a cracked bone
stays in place without deterioration. You can pick up finger splints in most drugstores. Pain relief can be obtained with
over the counter medicines such as Tylenol.The generic form,
Acetaminophen is much cheaper to buy

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