Do I Need Stitches?!

Question: I was cutting potatoes last night and cut my index finger. It was a pretty good cut but i put a bandaid on it and went to bed. I woke up today and went to change my band-aid and when i took it off it started to bleed again. It looks like i might have knicked some skin off the top of my finger. So I put another band-aid on with neosporen. It's not bleeding through the band-aid or anything like that. Do i need stitches? Please dont ask me to open it and see if its gaping lol. and my last resort is going to get stitches so i really only want to go get them if its completely neccesary

Answers: I was cutting potatoes last night and cut my index finger. It was a pretty good cut but i put a bandaid on it and went to bed. I woke up today and went to change my band-aid and when i took it off it started to bleed again. It looks like i might have knicked some skin off the top of my finger. So I put another band-aid on with neosporen. It's not bleeding through the band-aid or anything like that. Do i need stitches? Please dont ask me to open it and see if its gaping lol. and my last resort is going to get stitches so i really only want to go get them if its completely neccesary

~ if you have knicked of some skin,,,you shouldnt need stitches. If you have sliced a deep cut and it keeps bleeding then yes possibly stitches. If you have no blood showing threw your bandaid I would say you will be ok. try to keep your arm elevated, and your doing good with the neosporen and bandaids.....just keep an eye on it to make sure there is no infection started, that would be red swelling extream pain....
Also,,,,if your injury is not bleeding tonight,,,try sleeping with out the bandaid,,,or just wrap with light gauze to let some air reach it and start the healing process.

Go to the doctor and ask him/her. They will be able to diagnose it.

Consult a doctor. If the cut would bring you infection without bandaid, go for stiches. Trust me, Im a doctor and getting stitches don't hurt a bit!

if it is 8 hours after the accident you can't get stitiches.

my friend cut her finger open and went in to get stitiches like 10 hours later and they couldnt do it.

Since it has been so long, they will not do stitches. You may need to leave a band aid off of it for a while so that it can clot . If that doesn't work, keep a band aid on it, but try not to let it stick to the cut. If you still can't get it to form a scab after a few days, then you probably do want to go see a doctor.

if the cut is more than 6 hours old they can not stitch it due to possible infections

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