Do you think they should legalize Crack for medicinal purposes?!

Question: Do you think that Crack should be made legal for medicinal purposes?

Answers: Do you think that Crack should be made legal for medicinal purposes?

Are you being silly?

well crack is an opiate deriviative isn.t it? and opiates are legal for medicinal purposes

no,but they should outlaw stupidity.

There's no reason that crack should be used medicinally, there's no health benefit to it. So, no.

What medicinal purpose can crack serve?

no i think it shold be band

That's the most ignorant thing i've heard in my life. There is not one positive use that crack will provide. It kills you iternaly and externaly. Kills your skin and your insides. if anything they will give it to people when they are weak and out of it. To give them a boost. Other than that... you are mental

it would certainly be a talking point if they did. I'm curious, what medicinal purposes would this be?
if you have a habit Josh then go and see a doctor. its not the way you want to live is it? scruffy, smelly and skint!!
in the words of the intellect that is Cristina Agulera. crack is wack. such poetry , brings a tear to my eye.

Well if it did any good it would be fine, but what good can come from crack, and just imagine all the idiots out there that would abuse that situation and take advantage of it.

Kevin Dank said exactly what I was thinking...that is the dumpest thing I have read in a very long time! Crack, besides being one of the most addictive things there is, totally destroys your healt inside and out! If you are on the stuff you need to get off!
I really suspect you are just trying to get a rise out of people, because noone can be so stupid as to really think it should be made legal!!

I think they should legalize Crack, not for medicinal purposes, because it doesn't have any, but because it would reduce crime, and prison overcrowding.
Crack is a very cheap drug to produce, but it sells for 500 -1000% more than that on the street. This means that a crack addict can easily have a $100/day habit.
To get $100 in cash, you have to steal $200 or more of property. EVERY DAY. If crack were legal, the same amount would sell for $10. So crackheads would only have to steal $20 worth of property to
make it. That's a lot less stuff getting stolen every day. No junkie is going to steal more than they have to -then it's just work...
Also, it costs taxpayers aprox. $30,000 to $50,000 every year to keep a man in jail. If crack were legal, that money is saved.

Yep, for dumb as ses just like you.

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