In gym class, a student pushed me into a locker and I stubbed my toe. Is it brok!

Question: The area around the toenail is red. The area under the toenail is blue. I can walk but I cant bend the toe. If it is broken, what should i do?

Answers: The area around the toenail is red. The area under the toenail is blue. I can walk but I cant bend the toe. If it is broken, what should i do?

See a doctor; there's no way to tell over a computer. It could be just inflammation (swelling) that keeps you from bending it. On the other hand, if the nail bed is blue that could mean compromised circulation, which could lead to devitalization of tissue - and, let's just say that's not pretty.

It possibly is. Have you shown your parents? It might not be a bad idea to.

Is it swollen? Can you move it with your finger? Sounds like just a contusion under the nail bed and maybe a sprain. If it still bothers you in a day or two, or if it swells up, the entire toe turns black, or really worries you, go to your doc.

You might have just mashed the toenail, but I'd get a doctor to look at it. It's really easy to rup the tendons loose from the toe joints (did it myself) and, if you did, you'll keep re-injuring it until the doctor fixes it.

there's not much that can be done for toes. it'll either clear up or fall off, but either way it'll resolve itself.

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