Is there someone here familiar with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?!

Question: Can you please tell me about the pain, where it is, how long it lasts, does it radiate or stay in the same spot?? And anythign else you can think to tell me aobut it. I'd appreciate all answers. I think my daughter may have it.

Answers: Can you please tell me about the pain, where it is, how long it lasts, does it radiate or stay in the same spot?? And anythign else you can think to tell me aobut it. I'd appreciate all answers. I think my daughter may have it.

The pain came affect a variety of fingers individually or in groups as well as the origin at the wrist. It will not go away if the source of injury is not eliminated. Your daughter should see a sports medicine or sports oriented orthopedist. If she spends a lot of time on the computer or gaming those long hours in one position could have caused it and must be avoided. This is true especially until she is all better. Splints are not going to work if she continues to stress the wrist and may be contraindicated. Ideally the doctor or physical therapist will show her how to strengthen the area to avoid future problems. At any age surgery should be resorted to only if dedicated efforts at physical therapy don't succeed.

It affects the nerve under the wrist. In carpal tunnel it affects the thumb,and can radiate up the arm/fingers,but not normally affecting the pinky. I thought I had carpal tunnel,and my dr told me if the pinky is affected it's tennis elbow,if it's the thumb,it's carpal tunnel. Tennis elbow can have pain from the shoulder down,that's how bad mine is. Good luck,they both hurt.

I found out I have carpal tunnel in both hands. This has been affecting me since January. In my case, it affects from my wrist to the middle of my fingers with the index and middle fingers being the most affected. It is at its worst when I first wake up, my hands feel numb and tingly and then as the circulation starts to return it hurts badly as if the hands themselves were cramping up. I also find that if I spend to much time doing any one activity that the same symptoms get aggravated. My doctor said tht I needed to wear hand splints for a few months at night (I bought the ones made by Ace called 'tek zone') and they help. However, if after the next dr. visit I find it has not helped that much, I will be going for carpal tunnel release surgery. If your daughter really suspects she has this, she should see her doctor to make sure. Good luck!

It can feel very different to different people. I get a lot of pins and needles feelings. My ring finger burns like crazy at times but I've heard of people saying their middle finger gets most of the pain.
I had the surgery but I don't recommend it unless you can stop doing the repetitive motion that caused the carpal tunnel syndrome in the first place. I was pain free in my right hand for 3-4 years before it began again, not really worth paying for and going through even arthroscopic surgery. You can relieve the pain partially by wearing a wrist splint, that is my choice for now.

I am sat here with skate board elbow pads on, which I have already slept in, as I had a bad attack of Golfers Elbow. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. I hate describing pain, as it means I have to think about it. If you can imagine a rotten tooth, has a big hole, say the filling fell out and the nerve is exposed. Therefore you will have a persistent ache, normal. However if you eat or drink and it enters the cavity, hits the nerve you go ouch, well add that. Problem being the ouch can radiate, so it could be up the arm through the elbow to the neck, or down into the hand. Carpel Tunnel is where the nerve is squashed and once the nerve is squashed, you get numbness, likewise pins and needles. The reason for the nerves to get squashed is usually inflammation and that can be brought on by a fall, knock, bending the joint beyond where it should be bent, infection or RSI, over use. So something as simple as typing this, could trigger the inflammation. Or perhaps playing a musical instrument? Mine seems to trigger when I do the vacuuming, probably due to the vibration? However, resting and protecting the area can bring overnight relief. Hope that helps.

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