Strange bowel movement?!

Question: When I try to go to the bathroom, I am constipated but have excess amounts of mucous coming out. Is this normal and why could this be happening to me?

Answers: When I try to go to the bathroom, I am constipated but have excess amounts of mucous coming out. Is this normal and why could this be happening to me?

Two possibilities here

1) You have a bowel health issue. If you are suffering from constipation with alternating diarrhea. Mucous and maybe even blood or pussy fluids. Weight loss or gain, stomach cramps, bloating etc. Then visit your Dr. You may have a food intolerance, Irritable bowel or bowel problem. Really you must seek help, your good health is too important.

2) You have not been drinking enough (should be at least 2 Litres a day) have not been eating enough roughage (greens, fruit, whole grains etc) or you have not been eating very much. In this instance, you will be constipated but experiencing fluid/mucous flow past. This means you are impacted and probably need either a suppository or enema to ease things along before you can feel better.
Visit your GP and explain. There may be an underlying problem, if none of this makes sense. What ever, see your Dr.

If you think (2) is correct, in the meantime, drink plenty and eat plenty of fruit and veg. Visit your Dr or Pharmacy and get some Glycerin suppositories and follow the instructions.

Good Luck and take care.

There are a lot of reasons. What are you eating, a lot of junk food. Do you drink enough water? Do you have any other symptoms? What are you calling excessive? It happens because you are constipated so get rid of that first through dietary changes. A healthy movement is dark brown, doesn't need straining, will have some mucus and curves into a C or S. If a dietary change does not alleviate your symptoms than go and see your GP.

R u taking an antibiotic?

NO one but a doctor can answer this question but if you search on the net here is one answer I found from a doctor.

You need to make sure you eat better and drink plenty of water.

Further to the earlier answers, mucous in bowel movements occurs as a result of inflammation of the lining of the bowel - this could be a number of reasons...constipation can cause this itself because the faeces is in contact with the bowel wall for longer than usual and this irritates it. If it keeps happening you need to see your doctor. Hope this helps.

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