Tired but cant sleep..?!

Question: Tired but cant sleep!.!.!?
I need ways to stay awake!. I feel tired but I can't sleep!. I have to work at 4pm today!. My niece will be here at 9 am!. I got done with work at 12 am this morning!. I haven't gone to bed yet!. Is there anything I can do to stay awake and not be tired!? It is just one of those days where i have a bunch of stuff to do and everything is on my mind, and I am tired but just can't fall asleep!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

eat, go out side a walk your dog *if you have one* ummm take a shower

well!.!.!. there's several things!.

some of them, aren't the best!. like taking nyquil or tylenol pm!.

others are just to TRY to clear your mind!. i usually try to exhaust myself mentally and physically until i just crash if i cant get to sleep!.

try reading a book or something!. focusing on one subject usually bores your brain and will eventually put it to sleep!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Lie down!.!.!.!.!.feel relaxed and concentrate on some rythmic sound such as the tick tock uf ur clock!.!.!.!.this will make u sleep
Also eat healty!.!.!.!.avoid fatty foods!.!.!.!.!.aftr getting up!.!.!.!.wash ur face with some gud facewash!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.or have a shower!.!.!.!.u will feel fresh!.!.!.!.!.can drink some fresh juice too!.!.!.or wat abt some hot coffee!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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