Lower back pain how to recover?!

Question: Lower back pain how to recover!?
My lower back as now been hurting 4 about a week
i know i dont have any back problems

i do ride a bmx bike and do tricks but i havent been putting my self 2 my limit 4 a while

is there a way the pain can go awayWww@Answer-Health@Com

It depends on how bad it is - you can get back pains if you have a difference between how well trained your abdominal and back muscles are!. If you tense your belly muscles a lot while riding your bike, you may have to train your back as much!.

The lower back can be trained by simply taking long walks for example and the belly by doing situps and different types of crunches!.

But if your back really hurts, you probably need to let a doctor or back specialist have his say!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

please see a doctor
lower back pain can be a warning of an injury to the spine & or discs
if it is just a minor injury or dislocation physiotherapy or acupuncture can usually fix it up
if it is a serious injury and you continue to aggravate it it could put you in a wheelchairWww@Answer-Health@Com

Heat is an easy and effective method to control your low back pain and the occasional muscle spasm associated with a low back sprain!. You can apply a heating pad on a low setting for approximately 10-20 minutes at a time!. If you do not have a heating pad, you can use a soft terry cloth hand towel placed under warm (not hot) tap water!.
Cryotherapy (ice, cold therapy) is an excellent way to control your pain!. Do not apply ice directly to your skin for more than 5 minutes as it can cause burns!.The soft contoured breathable material with adjustable dual elastic side pulls provides optimal support while the reusable cold/hot packs can be inserted into the brace for quick pain relief!. For cryotherapy, just pop the reusable packs into your freezer for a short period and insert them into your brace for enjoyable control of your pain without drugs!.
Over-the-counter pain medications can be of use!. Acetaminophen (TylenolTM) can provide optimal pain relief with limited side effects!. Anti-inflammatories such as MotrinTM (ibuprofen) and AleveTM (naproxen), may also be beneficial, however, do not take pain medications for a prolonged period of time without consulting your physician!. Occasionally, your physician may prescribe prescription medications such as muscle relaxants or narcotics!. However, their use should be limited to only a short period of time!.
Just like the old bad joke about the patient that told the doctor: "Doc, everytime I do this, my knee hurts" and the doctor replies: "Well, don't do that!" Although this may seem humorous, there is some truth to the joke!. Avoid such activities as squatting, kneeling, heavy lifting, climbing, and even running!. Listen to your body and make a list of activities or movements that increase your pain and DON'T DO THESE THINGS!. Also, make a list of activities and movements that reduce your pain and DO THESE THINGS!. For example, many doctors recommend the following (be sure to check with yours to make sure he/she agrees)!.
Don't do these if you have low back pain:
* Avoid sitting in one place or one position for a long time!.
* Avoid sitting in soft, deep seats!.
* Avoid lifting anything while you are reaching, twisting or bending forward!.
* Don't lift objects more than chest high!.
* Don't bend over at the waist with your legs straight!.
* Avoid very soft mattresses!.

DO these if you have low back pain:
* Get up and stretch, walk about, and change positions often!.
* Place a cushion or rolled-up towel at the small of your back!.
* When sitting at a desk or in the car, sit so your knees are level with your hips!.
* When driving, adjust the seats so your legs don't have to stretch to reach the pedals!.
* Keep all lifted objects close to your body!.
* When lifting, bend your knees and use the force of your legs to help lift!.
* Use a firm (not rigid) mattress!.
* Sleep on your side with your knees bent to relieve pressure on your back, or sleep on your back with a pillow under your knees!. However, find a position, which is most comfortable for you!. Not everyone is the same!.
* Try to take a brisk walk every day with well-cushioned and supportive shoes!.
* Have a positive attitude!. Remember that most people with acute low back pain recover within 4-6 weeks!.

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