How can I tell if my toe is broken or sprained?!

Question: How can I tell if my toe is broken or sprained!?
all I know is I hit the table wednesday night, my foot stayed behind but my body pitched forward & my toe has hurt like the DICKENS ever since, I can just barely move it and it feels different!.
It's one of the middle toes, OMGGGGGGG

I'm giving the sucka till Monday & then I'm calling the DR!.
OMG IT HURTs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!.!.

But is there anyway it could just be a sprainWww@Answer-Health@Com

I am going to save you lots of time, money, and inconvience!. Assume, it is broken!. Do the following!. Take the hurt toe, and get some medical tape, and tape it to the toe next too it!. That is what the doctor will do!.
Take Advil for the pain, Ice it and keep it elevated!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Without an X-ray, and unless it's obviously crooked or has a bone sticking out, you can't tell!. It likely is a bad sprain and bruise, and it hurts like the dickens!! Doctors don't put casts on broken toes!. If a bone is out, they'll do surgery to put it back in!. If it's crooked, they'll straighten it out and tape it to the toe next to it!. They just don't put much importance on toes -- lol!

Try to elevate your foot between now and Monday, and take an anti-inflammatory such as Motrin!. Don't wear shoes whenever possible, and don't wear any that cramp your toes!. You can tape it to the toe next to it to see if it makes it feel better!. I'm betting it will start feeling better over the weekend, as long as you don't stub it again!.!.!. OUCH!!!!

Good luck!.!.!.

If the toe is off centered you have to go to the doctors so they can put it back into place!. If not tape it to the next biggest toe!. Ice it 48-72 hour take a anti inflammatory and wait it out!. If you are over 40 it's going to take about 4-6 month for you not to feel any pain, so get used to it!. TOES and FINGERS take a long time to healWww@Answer-Health@Com

Either way!.!. broken or sprained you can't do anything for the toe!. Try taping the affected toe to the adjacent toe ( buddy tape) but you just have to wait it out!. RICE rest ice compression elevation!. Don;t bother going to the doctor!. Take some Advil for pain and stay off your feetWww@Answer-Health@Com

if its bleadingWww@Answer-Health@Com

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